Department News

Below are news items from various sources about members of Integrative Biology and their research.
Title Posted Date
Congratulations to Caroline Williams on receiving tenure and her promotion to Associate Professor of Integrative Biology. 05/29/2020
Congratulations to IB's Class of 2020! 05/27/2020
Read the Spring 2020 IB Insight newsletter 05/20/2020
To climb like a gecko, robots need toes! 05/14/2020
Congratulations to Julianne Peláez for being selected as a recipient of the 2020-2021 STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship! 05/04/2020
What do soap bubbles and butterflies have in common? 04/10/2020
As COVID-19 hits Peru, a brave Berkeley Ph.D. student finds her way home 04/08/2020
In Earth’s largest extinction, land die-offs began long before ocean turnover 03/30/2020
David Wake takes part in The University of California Berkeley Emeriti Association's (UCBEA) Legacy Project 02/07/2020
How do you cultivate a healthy plant microbiome? 12/06/2019
Drugs that quell brain inflammation reverse dementia 12/06/2019
Read the Fall 2019 IB Insight newsletter 11/21/2019
These Butterflies Evolved to Eat Poison. How Could That Have Happened? 10/03/2019
Faculty Position in Vertebrate Physiology 09/13/2019
IB graduate students traverse the globe for summer research projects 08/26/2019
Women don beards to highlight gender bias in science 08/16/2019
Novel tech to combat Alzheimer’s with light 08/16/2019
Full: You can’t squash this roach-inspired robot 07/31/2019
Meet our recent IB PhD graduates 06/28/2019
Koskella: When it comes to climate change, don’t forget the microbes 06/18/2019
Field Genomics course brings cutting-edge research techniques to UC Berkeley freshmen 06/05/2019
Nielsen: CRISPR baby mutation significantly increases mortality 06/04/2019
Read the Spring 2019 IB Insight newsletter 05/20/2019
Essig’s SFO exhibition showcases six-legged frequent fliers 05/20/2019
Recognizing IB's Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors 04/16/2019
Are There Dinosaur Bones in UC Berkeley's Campanile? 03/08/2019
Researchers Work to Reverse Cognitive Decline as People Age 03/05/2019
UC Berkeley study reveals hummingbirds prioritize fighting over feeding 01/23/2019
IB Students in the Lab and Field 01/10/2019
The Sounds That Haunted U.S. Diplomats in Cuba? Lovelorn Crickets, Scientists Say 01/08/2019