GRAC Research and Travel Funding
Please see the guidelines and criteria for this award before applying. Students must be in good standing with a current Annual Review to be eligible for this support. Students within normative time are given priority. GRAC Applications are due the last Monday of each month. APPLY HERE.
As of 2024, the GRAC Award covers a maximum of $600 for the student's research and/or travel expenses until the next cycle. The award cycle is always Jul 1 through Jun 30 of the following year. Students can apply once and receive up to one GRAC award per year. Students can either use it for research or travel, or a combination of both, but the proposal needs to be submitted all at once. Below is the information for research and travel expenses, but keep in mind that for your GRAC proposal each year, it could include expenses for both.
GRAC Research Funds (apply here)
The purpose for which funds will be used should be integral to the dissertation research, "side" projects will not be supported. You may request up to $600 per year. If students are requesting both travel and research, the total is still $600 and they can only apply once per year. Appropriate expenses include:
- supplies
- small items of equipment
- costs associated with field research
- course registration
Applications should include a brief description of the proposed research, a budget, and a justification for the proposed use of Departmental funds.
GRAC Travel Funds (apply here)
- Intended only for travel to scientific meetings at which you are presenting a poster or paper. You may request up to $600 per fiscal year to help defray the costs of conference registration, travel and lodging while attending. If students are requesting both travel and research, the total is still $600 and they can only apply once per year.
- Please be aware that for air travel reimbursements, there is a air travel mitigation charge which is $10 domestic and $25 international -- this will need to be covered by the GRAC award, so include it in your budget proposal for the GRAC award.
- The application must include an official confirmation that the poster or paper has been accepted for presentation.
IB 299 Funds
These funds are made available to each laboratory. A certain amount is given for each graduate student and it is used with the approval of the professor in charge of the lab. For more information, see guidelines for use of 299 funds.
Summer Research Grants
The department will award, funding permitting, summer research awards to graduate students who are in good academic standing, and have a current annual review on file. These funds are competitive and based on proposals submitted. See award forms for award details and eligibility. (In response to IB graduate student requests, and thanks to some changes in Grad Div, we have been able to combine two of our applications and open the summer research award to all enrolled IB graduate students.)
Summer 2025 Departmental Research Awards Application -- Application is due May 9, 2025.
Summer 2025 Dissertation Completion Award Application -- Application is due May 9, 2025.