
Gabriel Trujillo photo

June 19th marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Gabriel Trujillo, a beloved member of our IB community. As we continue to mourn this loss, we invite you to celebrate Gabe’s life and legacy by sharing memories, photos, and reflections on our IB Kudoboard (linked here).


Jose Vazquez-Medina headshot
Congratulations to José Pablo Vázquez-Medina for his promotion to the rank of Associate Professor. The Vázquez-Medina lab studies mechanisms of adaptation to natural and anthropogenic stressors in marine mammals and pre-clinical models of disease at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.

George Brooks Lab
Integrative Biology graduate student Robert Leija and the whole Professor George Brooks Lab make a discovery. The study was part of a larger NIH-funded study to determine how well people switch from fat to carbohydrate metabolism as they age. Read the Berkeley News Article.