
Remembering Gabriel Trujillo

Gabriel Trujillo

It has been a little over a year since the death of Gabriel Trujillo, a beloved member of the IB community. Gabe was a doctoral candidate exploring the ecology and evolution of plants in the genus Cephalanthus, commonly known as button bush. Gabe was in search of a population of these plants in Sonora, Mexico, when he was killed on 19 June 2023.

Brooks Lab discovery: lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carb meal

George Brooks Lab
Integrative Biology graduate student Robert Leija and the whole Professor George Brooks Lab make a discovery. The study was part of a larger NIH-funded study to determine how well people switch from fat to carbohydrate metabolism as they age. Read the Berkeley News Article.

Pacific kelp forests are far older than we thought

Bed of kelp in ocean

A new study by IB researchers (Professor Cindy Looy, PhD alum Rosemary Romero, and BA alum Tony Huynh) and collaborators shows that kelp flourished off the Northwest Coast more than 32 million years ago, long before the appearance of modern groups of marine mammals, sea urchins, birds and bivalves that today call the forests home.


Speciesism in Biology and Culture: How Human Exceptionalism is Pushing Planetary Boundaries

Former IB postdoc Brian Swartz and IB professor Brent Mishler, present their new book entitled Speciesism in Biology and Culture: How Human Exceptionalism is Pushing Planetary Boundaries.  It includes 9 chapters containing wide-ranging discussions about the sociopolitical, cultural, and scientific ramifications of speciesism and world views that derive from it, integrating natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.