Peter Sudmant

Peter Sudmant

Assistant Professor (Affiliated)

Phone: (510) 664-4700
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Research Description

The Sudmant Lab uses computational, statistical, and experimental methods to interrogate genetic and molecular phenotypic diversity at both the organismal and cellular level. We are particularly interested in studying the causes and consequences of stress and aging in organisms with a focus on post-transcriptional gene regulation, somatic mutation, and genetic adaption in long (and short) lived species.

Selected Publications

Sudmant PH, Alexis MS, Burge CB, Meta-analysis of RNA-seq expression data across species, tissues and studies. 2015. Genome biology - 26694591.

Sudmant PH, Mallick S, Nelson BJ, Hormozdiari F, Krumm N, Huddleston J, Coe BP, Baker C, Nordenfelt S, Bamshad M, Jorde LB, Posukh OL, Sahakyan H, Watkins WS, Yepiskoposyan L, Abdullah MS, Bravi CM, Capelli C, Hervig T, Wee JT, Tyler-Smith C, van Driem G, Romero IG, Jha AR, Karachanak-Yankova S, Toncheva D, Comas D, Henn B, Kivisild T, Ruiz-Linares A, Sajantila A, Metspalu E, Parik J, Villems R, Starikovskaya EB, Ayodo G, Beall CM, Di Rienzo A, Hammer MF, Khusainova R, Khusnutdinova E, Klitz W, Winkler C, Labuda D, Metspalu M, Tishkoff SA, Dryomov S, Sukernik R, Patterson N, Reich D, Eichler EE, Global diversity, population stratification, and selection of human copy-number variation. 2015. Science - 26249230.

Sudmant PH***, Rausch T***, Gardner EJ***, Handsaker RE***, Abyzov A***, Huddleston J***, Zhang Y***, Ye K***, Jun G, Fritz MH, Konkel MK, Malhotra A, Stütz AM, Shi X, Casale FP, Chen J, Hormozdiari F, Dayama G, Chen K, Malig M, Chaisson MJP, Walter K, Meiers S, Kashin S, Garrison E, Auton A, Lam HYK, Mu XJ, Alkan C, Antaki D, Bae T, Cerveira E, Chines P, Chong Z, Clarke L, Dal E, Ding L, Emery S, Fan X, Gujral M, Kahveci F, Kidd JM, Kong Y, Lameijer EW, McCarthy S, Flicek P, Gibbs RA, Marth G, Mason CE, Menelaou A, Muzny DM, Nelson BJ, Noor A, Parrish NF, Pendleton M, Quitadamo A, Raeder B, Schadt EE, Romanovitch M, Schlattl A, Sebra R, Shabalin AA, Untergasser A, Walker JA, Wang M, Yu F, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zheng-Bradley X, Zhou W, Zichner T, Sebat J, Batzer MA, McCarroll SA, 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Mills RE, Gerstein MB, Bashir A, Stegle O, Devine SE, Lee C, Eichler EE, Korbel JO, An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes. 2015. Nature - 26432246.

Sudmant PH, Huddleston J, Catacchio CR, Malig M, Hillier LW, Baker C, Mohajeri K, Kondova I, Antonacci F, Ventura M, Prado-Martinez J, Marques-Bonet T, Eichler EE. Evolution and diversity of copy number variation in the great ape lineage. Genome research 2013

Prado-Martinez J***, Sudmant PH***, Kidd JM, Li H, Kelley JL, Lorente-Galdos B, Veeramah KR, Woerner AE, O'Connor TD, (64 additional co-authors), Eichler EE, Marques-Bonet T. Great ape genetic diversity and population history. Nature. 2013

Sudmant PH***, Kitzman JO***, Antonacci F, Alkan C, Malig M, Tsalenko A, Sampas N, Bruhn L, Shendure J. 1000 Genomes Project, Eichler EE. Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes. Science. 2010

*** denotes equal contribution