Email: tdawson@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 642-6090
Lab Webpage: http://nature.berkeley.edu/dawsonlab/
Research Description
Core context for the research we do is appreciating that ecologists and physiologists have long sought to understand how organism-environment interactions influence the distribution and abundance of species and the overall biological diversity observed across the biomes on Earth. As threats to biodiversity hasten from land-use and climate related changes there is an urgent need and growing interest in applying fundamental approaches and novel tools towards enhancing our understanding about the interface between organisms and their environments – past, present and future. A central goal of researching this interface is using this understanding to not only deepen basic understanding about plant-environment interactions but to provide foundational information needed to mitigate the unprecedented impacts and losses to the Earth’s biota.
The Dawson lab research group applies the tools of physiological and evolutionary plant ecology, ecosystem science, stable isotope biogeochemistry as well as climate and hydrological analyses, the use of remote sensing products, and the application of modeling towards the study and interpretation of the plant-environment interface. Investigations cover a wide array of study systems, organisms, and questions. We draw upon a variety of empirical and theoretical methods and merge these with direct observations of plants and their environments, a wide range of monitoring tools and approaches, and the application of experimental manipulations as avenues for improving our understanding of how the ecophysiological characteristics of plants are shaped by and respond to the environments they inhabit. Projects pay special attention to how aspects of plant form and function combine to permit adaptation to environmental variation, whether naturally or anthropogenically imposed, and how plants and their unique traits influence the structure and function of the communities and ecosystems they compose or that they have membership with. The past decade (or more) many projects have been structured around global environmental, climate and land-use change as foundational themes. These and other themes outlined above provide the intellectual rationale for the studies we undertake and the questions we are asking.
Selected Publications
283. Sanchez-Martinez, P., D.D. Ackerly, J. Martínez-Vilalta, M. Mencuccini, K. Dexter, and T.E. Dawson. 2024. A framework to study and predict functional trait syndromes using phylogenetic and environmental data. Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (in press).
282. Andreozzi, C., J. Kitzes, T.E. Dawson and A. Mererlender. 2024. Microclimate and forest management influence bat species faced with global change. Conservation Biology (in press).
281. McFarlane, K.S., S. Mambelli, R.C. Porras, D.B. Wiedemeier, L. Murphy, K. Orans, T.E. Dawson, and M.S. Torn. 2024. Soil carbon stocks are not linked to aboveground litter input and chemistry in old-growth coast redwood forest and adjacent prairie. RadioCarbon (in press).
280. Lloyd, M.K., R.A. Stein, D.E. Ibarra, R.S. Barclay, S.L. Wing, D.W. Stahle, T.E. Dawson and D.A. Stolper. 2023. Isotopic clumping in wood as a proxy for photorespiration in trees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)(in press).
279. Wu, Angelica, L.D.L Anderegg, T.E. Dawson and A. Trugman. 2023. Leaf trait coordination and variation of blue oak across topo-environmental scales. Tree Physiology 43: 2098-2108.
278. Hermes, A., M. Logan, B. Poulin, A. McKenna, T.E. Dawson, T. Borch and E-L. Hinckley. 2023. Agricultural sulfur applications alter the quantity and composition of dissolved organic matter from field-to-watershed scales. Environmental Science & Technology (in press).
277. Wilkening, J., R. Skelton, X. Feng, T.E.. Dawson and S.A. Thompson. 2023. Exploring within-plant hydraulic trait variation: A test of the Vulnerability Segmentation Hypothesis. Plant, Cell & Environment (in press).
276. Farahani, A., M,J. Miller, B.W. Porter and T.E. Dawson. 2024. Stable isotopes of archaeological and modern semi-terrestrial crabs (Potamon potamios) provide palaeoecological insights into brachyuran ecology and human resource acquisition in late Holocene Jordan. Quaternary International (in press).
275. Roddy, A.B., C.M. Guilliams, P.V.A. Fine, S. Mambelli, T.E. Dawson, and K.A. Simonin. 2023. Flowers are leakier than leaves but cheaper to build. New Phytologist 239: 2076-2082
274. Skelton, R.P., A.G. West, D. Butler and T.E. Dawson. 2023. Consistent responses to moisture stress within diverse mountain fynbos communities revealed by multi-year in situ physiological measurements. Oecologia (in press)[doi.org/10.1007/s00442-023-05326-9].
273. Dawson, T.E. Sourcing the water that makes up tree biomass. 2022. Tree Physiology (Commentary) 42: 2149-2152 [doi.10.1093/treephys/tpac109].
272. Matos, I.S., O. Binks, C.B. Eller, B.B. Zorger, P. Meir, T.E. Dawson and B.H.P. Rosado. 2022. Revisiting plant hydrological niches: the importance of atmospheric resources for ground-roots plants. Journal of Ecology (in press).
271. Hermes, A.I., T.E. Dawson and E-L.S. Hinckley. 2022. Sulfur isotopes reveal agricultural changes to the modern sulfur cycle. Environmental Research Letters 17: [doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac6683].
270. Ferguson, B., S.G. Gotsch, C.B. Williams, H. Wilson, C.N. Barnes, T.E. Dawson and N.M. Nadkarni. 2022. Variation in cloud immersion, not precipitation, drives vascular epiphyte leaf trait plasticity and water relations during an extreme drought. American Journal of Botany 109: 550-563 [doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.1833]
269. Gotsch, S.G., C.B. Williams, R. Bicaba, R. Cruz‑de Hoyos, A. Darby, K. Davidson, M. Dix, V. Duarte, A. Glunk, L. Green, B. Ferguson, K. Munoz‑Elizondo, J.G. Murray, I. Picado‑Fallas, R. Nӕsborg, T.E. Dawson and N. Nadkarni. 2022. Trade‑offs between succulent and non‑succulent epiphytes underlie variation in drought tolerance and avoidance. Oecologia [doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05140-9].
268. Anderegg, L.D.L., D.M Griffith, J. Cavender-Bares, W.J. Riley, J.A. Berry, T.E. Dawson and C.J. Still. 2022. Representing plant diversity in land models: An evolutionary approach to make ‘Functional Types’ more functional. Global Change Biology 28 (in press).
267. Keen, R.M., S.L. Voelker, S-Y. Simon Wang, B.J. Bentz, M. Goulden, C.R. Dangerfield, C.C. reed, S.M. Hood, A.Z. Czank, T.E. Dawson, A.G, Merschel, and C.J. Still. 2022. Changes in tree drought sensitivity provided early warning signals to the California drought and forest mortality event. Global Change Biology 28: 1119-1132 [doi.org 10.1111/gcb.15973].
266. Willing, C., G. Pierroz, A. Guzman, L.D.L. Anderegg, C. Gao, D. Coleman-Derr, J. Taylor, T. Bruns and T.E. Dawson. 2021. Keep your friends close: Landscape heterogeneity drives soil fungal community structure, but biotic filtering and compartmentalization ensure that redwoods maintain key symbionts. Ecology Letters. [doi.org/10.1111/ele.13886].
265. Letter: Klein R.G. 2021. Marine resource exploitation at Ysterfontein-1 rockshelter, South Africa ~ and reply to Klein ~ Niespolo, E.M., W.D. Sharp, G. Avery and T.E. Dawson. Ysterfontein-1 shell midden (South Africa) and the antiquity of adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Volume 118: [doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2108794118].
264. Teodoro, G.S., P. de Britto Costa, M. Brum, C. Signori-Müller, S.E. Alcantara, T.E. Dawson, A.G. West, H.S. Lambers and R. Oliveira. 2021. Desiccation tolerance implies costs to productivity but allows survival under extreme drought conditions in Velloziaceae species in campos rupestres. Environmental and Experimental Botany (in press). 104556. DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2021.104556.
263. Koçillari, L., M.E. Olson, S. Suweis, R.P. Rocha, A. Lovison, F. Cardin, T.E. Dawson, A. Echeverria, A. Farjodo, S. Lechthler, C.R. Marcati, C. Martinez-Perez, K-F. Chung, J.A. Rosell, A. Segovia-Rivas, C.B. Williams, E. Petrone-Mendoza, A. Rinaldo, T. Anfodilio, J. Banavar and A. Maritan. 2021. The widened pipe model of plant hydraulic evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (in press).
262. Bilir, T.E., I. Fung and T.E. Dawson. 2021. Slope-aspect induced climate differences influences how water is exchanged between the land and the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (in press) [doi.org/10.1029/2020JG006027].
261. Williams, C.B, R.R. Naesborg, A.R. Ambrose, W.L. Baxter, G.W. Koch and T.E. Dawson. 2021. The dynamics of stem water storage in the Earth’s largest trees – Sequoiadendron giganteum. Tree Physiology (in press).
260. Hill, A.J., T.E. Dawson, A. Dody and S. Rachmilevitch. 2021. Dew water-uptake pathways in Negev desert plants: a study using stable isotope tracers. Oecologia 196: 353-361.
259. Niespolo, E.M., W.D. Sharp, G. Avery and T.E. Dawson. 2021. Early, intensive marine resource exploitation by Middle Stone Age humans at Ysterfontein-1 rockshelter, South Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: [doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2020042118].
258. Skelton, R.P., L.D.L. Anderegg, J. Diaz, M.M. Kling, P. Papper, L.J. Lamarque, S. Delzon, T.E. Dawson and D.D. Ackerly. 2021. Evolutionary relationships between drought-related traits and climate shape large hydraulic safety margins in North American Oaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (in press).
257. Wommack, E.A., L.C. Marrack, S. Mambelli, J.M. Hull and T.E. Dawson. 2021. Using oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes to track the migratory movement of sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus) along western flyways of North America. PLOSone (in press).
256. Cecchetti, A.R., A. Sytsma, A.N. Stiegler, T.E. Dawson and D.L. Sedlak. 2021. Use of Stable Nitrogen Isotopes to Track Plant Uptake of Nitrogen in Nature-Based Treatment System. Water Research (in press).
255. Willing, C.E., G. Pierroz, D. Coleman-Derr and T.E. Dawson. 2020. The generalizability of water-deficit on bacterial community composition; Site-specific water-availability predicts the bacterial community associated with coast redwood roots. Molecular Ecology 29: 4721-4734.
254. Hahm, W.J., D.M. Rempe, D.N. Dralle, T.E. Dawson and W.E. Dietrich. 2020. Oak transpiration drawn from the weathered bedrock vadose zone in the summer dry season. Water Resources Research (in press).
253. Dralle, D., W.J. Hahm, D.M. Rempe, A.N. Karst, L.D.L. Anderegg, S.E. Thompson, T.E. Dawson, and W.E. Dietrich. 2020. Plants as sensors: vegetation response to rainfall predicts root-zone water storage capacity in Mediterranean climates. Environmental Research Letters (in press).
252. Von Freyberg, J., S.T. Allen, C. Grossiord and T.E. Dawson. 2020. Plant and root zone water isotopes are difficult to measure, explain, and predict: some practical recommendations for determining plant water sources. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1352-1367 [doi: 0.1111/2041-210X.13461].
251. Williams, C.B., J. Murray, A. Glunk, T.E. Dawson, N. Nadkarni, and S.G. Gotsch. 2020. Vascular epiphytes show low physiological resistance and high recovery capacity to episodic, short-term drought in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Functional Ecology [doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13613].
250. Fontes, C.G., P.V.A. Fine, F. Wittmann, P.F. Bittencourt, M.T. Piedade, N. Higuchi, J.Q. Chambers, and T.E. Dawson. 2020. Convergent evolution of tree hydraulic traits in Amazonian habitats: implications for community assemblage and vulnerability to drought. New Phytologist 227 (in press).
249. Huang, H., L.D.L. Anderegg, T.E. Dawson, S. Mote and P. D’Odorico. 2020. Critical transition to woody plant dominance through microclimate feedbacks in North American coastal ecosystems. Ecology (in press).
248. McLaughlin, B.C. R. Blakey, A.P. Weitz, X. Feng, B.J. Brown, D.D. Ackerly, T.E. Dawson, and S.E. Thompson. 2020. Weather underground: subsurface hydrologic processes mediate tree vulnerability to extreme climatic drought. Global Change Biology 26: 3091-3107[doi: 10.1111/gcb.15026].
247. Niespolo, E.M., W. Sharp, C. Tryon, T. Faith, J.E. Lewis, K. Ranhorn, S. Mambelli, M.J. Miller, and T.E. Dawson. 2020. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotopes of ostrich eggshells provide site-scale Pleistocene-Holocene paleoenvironmental records for eastern African archaeological sites. Quaternary Science Reviews 230: 106-132.
246. Dawson, T.E., W.J. Hahm and K. Crutchfield-Peters. 2020. Digging deeper: what the critical zone perspective adds to the study of plant ecophysiology. New Phytologist 226: 666-671. [doi: org/10.1111/nph.16410].
245. Takenaka, R., M.J. Miller, M.N. Tammone, T.E. Dawson and E.A. Lacey. 2020. Stable isotopes reveal differential patterns of environmental change during the Holocene among tuco-tucos (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae) from Patagonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology 540 [doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109522].
244. Lavergne, A., S. Voelker, A. Csank, H. Graven, H. J. de Boer, V. Daux, I. Robertson, I. Dorado-Liñán, E. Martínez-Sancho, G. Battipaglia, K. Bloomfield, C.J. Still, F.C. Meinzer, T.E. Dawson, J.J. Camarero, R. Clisby, Y. Fang, A. Menzel, R.M. Keen, J.S. Roden and I.C. Prentice. 2020. Historical changes in the stomatal limitation of photosynthesis: empirical support for an optimality principle. New Phytologist 225: 2584-2497 [doi: 10.1111/nph.16314].
243. Muñoz-Villers, L.E., J. Geris, M.S. Alvarado-Barrientos, F. Holwerda and T.E. Dawson. 2020. Coffee and shade trees show complimentary use of soil water in a traditional agroforestry ecosystem. Hydrology and Earth System Science 24: 1649-1668 [doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-1649-2020.]
242. Ramirez, A.R,, M. E. De Guzman, T.E. Dawson and D. D. Ackerly. 2020. Detecting drought refugia via plant hydraulic traits: a case-study from the California Channel Islands. Conservation Physiology (in press)[doi: .
241. Easterday, K., Kislik, C. T.E. Dawson, S. Hogan and M. Kelly. 2019. Remotely sensed water limitation in vegetation: insights from an experiment with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) Remote Sensing 11: 1853-1870 [doi:.
240. Hahn, W.J. and D. Dralle, D.M. Rampe, A. Bryk, S.E. Thompson, T.E. Dawson and W.D. Dietrich. 2019. Low subsurface water storage capacity relative to annual rainfall decouples Mediterranean plant productivity and water use from rainfall variability. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 6544-6553 [doi: 10.1029/2019GL083294].
239. Skelton, R.P., L.D.L. Anderegg, P. Papper, E. Reich and T.E. Dawson. 2019. No local adaptation in leaf or stem xylem vulnerability to embolism, but consistent vulnerability segmentation in a North American oak. New Phytologist 223: 1296–1306.
238. Voelker, S.L., S-Y. Simon Wang, T.E. Dawson, J.S. Roden, C.J. Still, F.J. Longstaffe and A. Ayalon. 2019. Tree-ring isotopes adjacent to Lake Superior reveal cold winter anomalies for the Great Lakes region of North America. Scientific Reports (in press)[doi:.
237. Weathers, T.C., A.G. Ponette-González and T.E. Dawson. 2019. Medium, vector and connector: fog and the maintenance of ecosystems. Ecosystems.23: 217-229 [doi: 10.1007/s10021-019-00388-4].
236. Hahm, W.J., D.M. Rempe, D. Dralle, T.E. Dawson, S. Lovill, A. Bryk, D.L. Bish, J. Schieber and W.D. Dietrich. 2019. Lithologically controlled subsurface critical zone thickness and water storage capacity determine regional plant community composition. Water Resources Research 55: 3028-3055 [doi: 10.1029/2018WR023760].
235. Feng, X. D.D. Ackerly, T.E. Dawson, S. Manzoni, B. McLaughlin, R.P. Skelton, G. Vico, A. Weitz and S.E. Thompson. 2019. Beyond isohydricity: the role of environmental variability in determining plant drought responses. Plant, Cell & Environment 42: 1104-1111 [doi: 10.1111/pce.13486].
234. Penna, D., L. Hopp, F. Scandellari, S.T. Allen, P. Benettin, M. Beyer, J. Geris, J. Klaus, J.D. Marshall, L. Schwendenmann, T.H.M. Volkmann, J. von Freyberg, A. Amin, N. Ceperley, M. Engle, J. Frentress, Y. Giambastiani, J.J. McDonnell, G. Zuecco, P. Llorens, R.T. Siegwolf, T.E. Dawson and J.W. Kirchner. 2018. Ideas and Perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes – challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Biogeosciences 15: 1-17 [doi:.
233. Fontes, C.G., T.E. Dawson, K. Jardine, N. McDowell, B, Gimenez, L. Anderegg, R. Negon-Juarez, N. Higuchi, P. Fine, A.C. Araujo and J.Q. Chambers. 2018. Dry and Hot: hydraulic consequences of climate-change type drought for Amazonia Trees. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 273 [doi: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0209].
232. McCauley, J.C., Mpenba, J., Warrington, I.T., T.E. Dawson, Power, M.E., L.F. Hughey and J.S. Brashares. 2018. Diverse effects of common hippopotamus on plant communities and soil chemistry. Oecologia (in press)[doi:.
231. Feng, X., D.D. Ackerly, T.E. Dawson, S. Manzoni, R.P. Skelton, G. Vico, and S. E. Thompson. 2018. The ecohydrological context of drought and classification of plant responses. Ecology Letters 21: 1723-1736 [doi: 10.1111/ele.13139].
230. Abruto-Oropeza, O. et al. 2018. Harnessing cross boarder resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science and Policy 87: 128-132 [doi: ].
229. Olson, M.E., D. Soriano, J.A. Rosell, T. Anfodillo, C. León-Gómez, J.J. Camarero Martínez, T.E. Dawson, M.J. Donoghue, A. Echeverría, E. Edwards, C.I. Espinosa, A. Fajardo, V. Figueroa, A. Gazol, R. Lima, C.R. Marcati and R. Méndez-Alonzo. 2018. Plant height and hydraulic vulnerability to drought and cold. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA [doi: 10.1073/pnas.1721728115].
228. Dawson, T.E. and G.R. Goldsmith. 2018. The value of wet leaves. New Phytologist: Tansley Review) 219: 1156-1169 [doi: 10.1111/nph.15307].
227. Grossiord, C., S.C. Sevanto, D. Bonal, I. Borrego, M.G. Ryan, T.E. Dawson and N.G. McDowell. 2018. Prolonged warming and drought modify belowground interactions for water among coexisting plants. Tree Physiology [doi: ].
226. Skelton, R.P., A. Weitz, Y. Shen, S. Thompson, T.E. Dawson and D.D. Ackerly. 2018. Low xylem vulnerability to water deficit in leaves and stems of North American Quercus species. Plant Physiology [doi: ].
225. Benettin, P., T.H.M. Volkmann, J. von Freyberg, J. Frentress, D. Penna, T.E. Dawson and J.W. Kirchner. 2018. Effects of climatic seasonality on the isotopic composition of evaporating soil waters. Hydrology and Earth System Science 22: 2881-2890[doi:.
224. Stears, K., McCauley, D.J, Finlay, J.C., Mpenba, J., Warrington, I.T., T.E. Dawson, Power, M.E., L.F. Hughey and J.S. Brashares. 2018. Effects of the hippopotamus on the chemistry and ecology of a changing watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA [doi: ].
223. Cornwell, W.K, I.J. Wright, J. Turner, V. Marie, M.M. Barbour, L.A. Cernusak, T.E. Dawson, D. Ellsworth, G.D. Farquhar, H. Griffiths, C. Keitel, A. Knohl, P.B. Reich, D.G. William, R. Bhaskar, J.H.C. Cornelissen, A. Richards, S. Schmidt, F. Valladares, C. Korner, E-D. Schulze, N. Buchmann and L.S. Santiago. 2018. Climate and soils together regulate carbon isotope discrimination within C3 plants worldwide. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 1056-1067 [doi: 10.1111.geb.12764].
222. Hahn, J., T.E. Dawson and W.E. Dietrich. 2018. Controls on the distribution and resilience of Quercus garryana: ecophysiological evidence of oak water-limitation tolerance. Ecosphere [doi: ].
221. Muñoz-Villers, L.E., F. Holwerda, S. Alvarado-Barrientos, D.R. Geissert, T.E. Dawson. Reductions in dry season transpiration correspond with shallow soil water uptake in tropical montane cloud forest rees. Oecologia 188: 303-317 [doi: 10.1007/s00442-018-4209-0].
220. Roddy, A.B., K.A. Simonin, K.A. McCulloh, C.R. Brodersen and T.E. Dawson. 2018. Water relations of Calycanthus flowers: hydraulic conductance, capacitance, and embolism resistance. Plant, Cell & Environment (in press) [doi: 10/1111/pce.13205].
219. Nydick, K.R., N.A. Stephenson, A.R. Ambrose, A.R., G.P. Asner, W.L. Baxter, A.J. Das, T. Dawson, R.E. Martin and T. Paz-Kagan. 2018. Leaf to landscape level responses of giant sequoia to hotter drought: an introduction and synthesis for the special edition. Forest Ecology and Management (in press) [doi: ].
218. Ambrose, A.R., W.L. Baxter, R.E. Martin, E. Francis, G.P. Asner, K.P. Nydick and T.E. Dawson. 2018. Leaf- and crown-level adjustments help giant sequoias maintain whole-tree favorable water status during severe drought. Forest Ecology and Management (in press) [doi: ].
217. Martin, R.E., G.P. Asner, E. Francis, A. Ambrose, W. Baxter, A.J. Das, N.R. Vaughn, T. Paz-Kagan, T. Dawson, K. Nydick and N.A. Stephenson. 2018. Remote measurement of canopy water content in giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) during drought. Forest Ecology and Management [doi: ].
216. Santiago, L.S., K. Silvera, J.L. Andrade and T.E. Dawson. 2017. Functional strategies of tropical dry forest plants in relation to growth form and isotopic composition. Environmental Research Letters 12: 11506 [doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa8959] .
215. Dawson, T.E., R.K. Monson and J.K. Ward. 2018. Honoring the career of James R. Ehleringer. Oecologia [Special Issue] 187: 875-878 [doi.org/10.1007/s00442-018-4201-8].
214. Hultine, K.R., S.E. Bush, J.K. Ward and T.E. Dawson. 2018. Does sexual dimorphism predispose dioecious riparian trees to sex ratio imbalances under climate change? Oecologia [Special Issue] 187: [doi.org/10.1007/s00442-018-xxx-x].
213. Voelker, S.L, J.S. Roden and T.E. Dawson. 2018. Millennial-length tree-ring isotope chronologies from coastal redwoods provide insights on controls over California hydroclimate variability. Oecologia [Special Issue] 187: [doi.org/10.1007/s00442-018-4193-4].
212. Gotsch, S.G, T.E. Dawson and D. Draguljic. 2018. Variation in the resilience of cloud forest epiphytes to severe drought. New Phytologist 219: 900-913 [doi: 10.1111/nph.14866].
211. Kennedy, S., T.E. Dawson and R. Gillespie. 2018. Stable isotopes reflect substrate properties and trophic ecology in spiders along a Hawaiian chronosequence. PeerJ (in press) [doi: 10.7717/peerj.4527].
210. Williams, C.B., Naesborg, R.R. and T.E. Dawson. 2018. Coping with gravity: the foliar water relations of Giant Sequoia. Tree Physiology.
209. Campbell, J.E. and Whelan, M.E. and Berry, J.A. and Hilton, T.W.,Zumkehr, A., Stinecipher, J., Lu, Y., Kornfeld, A., Seibt, U., Dawson, T.E., Montzka, S.A., Baker, I.T., Kulkarni, S., Wang, Y., Herndon, S.C., Zahniser, M.S., Commane, R. and Loik, M.E. 2017. Plant uptake of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide in coast redwood forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences [doi:10.1002/2016JG003703/full].
208. S.L. Brantley, S.L., D.M. Eissenstat, J.A. Marshall, S.E. Godsey, J. Roering, Z. Balogh-Brunstad, D. L. Karwan, T.E. Dawson, J. Evaristo, O. Chadwick, J.J. McDonnell, S.A. Papuga, and K. C. Weathers. 2017. On the roles that trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Biogeosciences Discussions [doi:10.5194/bg-2017-61 |
207. Feng, X., S.E. Thompson, T.E. Dawson. L.S. Santiago and D.D. Ackerly. 2017. Reconciling seasonal hydraulic risk and plant water use through probabilistic soil-plant dynamics. Global Change Biology 23: 3758-3769 [doi: 10.1111/gcb.13640].
206. McLaughlin, B., D.D. Ackerly, T.E. Dawson, P.Z. Klos, J. Natali and S.E. Thompson. 2017. Hydrologic refugia, plants and climate change. Global Change Biology 23: 2941-2961 [doi: 10.1111/gcb.13629].
205. Grossiord, C., S. Sevanto, T.E. Dawson, H. Adams, A. Collins, L. Dickman, B. Newman, E. Stockton and N. McDowell. 2017. Warming combined with more extreme precipitation regimes modifies the water sources used by trees. New Phytologist 213: 584-596 [doi: 10.1111/nph.14192].
204. Ambrose, A.R., S.S.O. Burgess, W.L. Baxter, C.S. Wong, C.B. Williams, R.R. Næsborg, G.W. Koch and T.E. Dawson. 2016. Hydraulic constraints on optimal resource utilization in giant sequoia trees. Oecologia 182: 713-730 [doi: 10.1007/s00442-016-3705-3].
203. Berry, Z.C., S.G. Gotsch, F. Holwerda, L. Muñoz-Villers, T.E. Dawson, and H.A. Asbjornsen, H.A. 2016. Slope position influences vegetation-atmosphere interactions in a tropical montane cloud forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 21: 207-218.
202. Roddy, A.B., C.R. Brodersen and T.E. Dawson. 2016. Hydraulic conductance and the maintenance of water balance in flowers. Plant, Cell & Environment 39: 2123-2132.
201. Mambelli, S. P.D. Brooks, R. Sutka, S. Hughes, K.M. Finstad, J. Pakes Nelson and T.E. Dawson. 2016. High throughput method for simultaneous quantification of N, C and S stable isotopes and concentrations in organics and soils. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30: 1743-1753.
200. deVries, M.S., B. Stock, J.H. Christy, G.R. Goldsmith and T.E. Dawson. 2016 Specialized morphology corresponds to a generalist diet: linking form and function in mantis shrimp crustaceans. Oecologia 182: 429-442. [doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3667-5]
199. Walsh, R.E., A.P. Assis, J.L. Patton, G. Marroig, T.E. Dawson and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Morphological and Dietary Responses of Chipmunks to a Century of Climate Change. Global Change Biology 22: 3233-3252.
198. Oshun, J. W.E. Dietrich, T.E. Dawson and I. Fung. 2016. Dynamic, structured heterogeneity of water isotopes inside hillslopes. Water Resources Research 52: 164-189 [doi 10.1002/2015WR017485].
197. Lazzarin, M., A. Crivellaro, C.B. Williams, T.E. Dawson, G. Mozzi and T. Anfodillo. 2016. Tracheid and pit anatomy vary in tandem in tall Sequoiadendron giganteum trees. International Association of Wood Anatomists 37: 172-185.
196. Voelker, S.L + 20 co-authors. 2016. A dynamic leaf gas-exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies. Global Change Biology 22: 889-902.
195. Muñoz-Villers, L.E., F. Holwerda, L. M.S. Alvarado-Barrientos, D. Geissert, B. Marin-Castro, A. Gómez-Tagle, J. McDonnell, H. Asbjornsen, T. Dawson and L.A. Bruijnzeel. 2015. Efectos hidrológicos de al conversión del bosque de niebla en el centro de Veracruz, México (English title: Hydrological effects of cloud forest conversion in central Veracruz, Mexico). Bosque 36: 395-407.
194.*Templer, P.H., K.C. Weathers, H.A. Ewing, T.E. Dawson, S. Mambelli, A.M. Lindsey, J. Webb, V.K. Boukili, and M.K. Firestone. 2015. Fog as a Source of Nitrogen for Redwood Trees: evidence from fluxes and stable isotopes. Journal of Ecology 103: 1397-1407. *selected as Editor’s Choice for the journal issue
193. Asbjornsen, H., R. Manson, J. Scullion, F. Holwerda, L. Muñoz-Villers, M.S. Alvarado-Barrientos, D. Geissert, T.E. Dawson, J.J. McDonnell, and L.A. Bruijnzeel. 2015. Exploring interactions between payments for hydrologic services, landowner decisions, and ecohydrological consequences in a Mexican cloud forest watershed: A disconnect between the policy goals and outcomes? Ecology and Society 22: 25-.
192^. Mooney, H.A. and T. E. Dawson. 2015. Northern Forest Ecosystems (Chapter 26). In: Ecosystems of California. E. Zavaleta and H. Mooney (editors). University of California Press.
191. Skelton, R.P., A.G. West and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Predicting plant vulnerability to drought in biodiverse regions using functional traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 112: 5744-5749 [doi/10.1073/pnas.1503376112].
190. Hill, A.J. T.E. Dawson, O. Shelef and S. Rachmilevitch. 2015. The role of dew for Negev Desert plants. Oecologia 178: 317-327.
189. Osuna, J., D. Baldocchi, H. Kobayashi and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Seasonal trends in photosynthesis and electron transport during the Mediterranean summer drought. Tree Physiology 35: 485-500.
188. Martín-Gómez, P., A. Barbeta, J. Voltas, J. Peñuelas, K. Dennis, S. Palacio, T.E. Dawson and J.P. Ferrio. 2015. Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectroscopy: a reliable tool for the investigation of plant water sources?. New Phytologist 207: 914-
187. Priyadarshini, K.V.R., H.H.T. Prins, S. de Bie, I.M.A. Heitkönig, S. Woodborne, G. Gort, K. Kirkman, F. Ludwig, T.E. Dawson and H. de Kroon. 2015. Dry season limited hydraulic-redistribution by trees to grasses and seasonal changes in their water sources imply shifts in tree-grass interactions. Ecohydrology 8 (in press).
186. Ambrose, A.R., W.L. Baxter, C.S. Wong, R.R. Naesborg, C.B. Williams and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Contrasting drought response strategies in California redwoods. Tree Physiology 35: 453-469.
185. McCauley, D., T.E. Dawson, J. Finlay, M.E. Power and J.S. Brashares. 2015. Carbon stable isotopes suggest that hippopotamus-vectored nutrients subsidize aquatic consumers in an East African river. Ecosphere 6(4): 52-. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES14-00514.1.
184. deVries, M.S., C. Martínez del Rio, T.S. Tunstall and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Isotopic incorporation and discrimination in mantis shrimp: insights into crustacean physiology and life history. PLoSOne 10(4): e0122334. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122334.
183. Sachse, D., T.E. Dawson and A. Kahmen. 2015. Seasonal variation of leaf wax n-alkane production and δD values from the evergreen oak tree, Quercus agrifolia. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies (in press).
182. Gotsch, S.G., N.M. Nadkarni, A. Darby, M. Dix, A. Glunk and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Life in the Treetops: Ecophysiological Strategies of Canopy Epiphytes in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest.Ecological Monographs 85: 393-412.
181. Zeppel, M.J.B., S.P. Harrison, H.D. Adams, G. Li, D.I. Kelly, A.G. West, T.E. Dawson, R. Fensham, B.R. Medlyn, A. Palmer, D.T. Tissue, and N. McDowell. 2015. Drought and resprouting plants. New Phytologist 206: 583-589.180. Roddy, A.B., K. Winter and T.E. Dawson. 2015. Sap flow through petioles and petiolules reveals leaf-level responses to light and vapor pressure deficit in the tropical tree Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae). PeerJ doi: 10.1101/000711.
179. Barbeta, A., M. Mejía-Chang, R. Ogaya, J. Voltas, T.E. Dawson and J. Peñuelas. 2015. The combined effects of a long-term experimental drought and an extreme drought event on plant water source utilization in a Mediterranean forest. Global Change Biology 21: 1213-1225.
178. Viani, R.A.G, R.R Rodrigues, T.E. Dawson, H. Lambers and R.S. Oliveira. 2015. Soil pH accounts for differences in species distribution and leaf nutrient concentrations of Brazilian woodland savannah and Seasonally Dry forest species. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16: 64-74. [doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2014.02.001]
177. Gotsch, S.G., S.D. Crausbay, T.W. Giambelluca, A. Weintraub, R. Longman, H. Asbjornsen, S.C. Hotchkiss and T.E. Dawson. 2014. Water relations and microclimate around the upper limit of cloud forest in Maui, Hawai‘i. Tree Physiology 34: 766-777.
176. Alvarado-Barrientos, M. S., F. Holwerda, D.R. Geissert, L.E. Muñoz-Villers, S.G. Gotsch, H. Asbjornsen, and T.E. Dawson. 2014. Preceding fog enhances nighttime transpiration in a seasonal tropical montane cloud forest environment. Trees – Structure and Function 29: 259-274 [doi: 10.1007/s00468-014-1111-1].
175. Simonin, K.S., E. Burns, B. Choat, T.E. Dawson P.J. Franks and M.M. Barbour. 2014. Leaf hydraulic conductance increases with transpiration rate to minimize the water potential drawdown from stem to leaf. Journal of Experimental Botany doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru481.
174. Link, P., K. Simonin, H. Maness, J. Oshun, T. Dawson and I. Fung. 2014. Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half-hourly sapflow observations. Water Resources Research 50: doi: 10.1002/2013WR014023.
173. Bhaskar, R., T.E. Dawson and P. Balvanera. 2014. Community assembly and functional diversity along succession in a secondary tropical dry forest post-agricultural use. Functional Ecology 28: 1256-1265.
172. Simonin, K.A., P. Link, D. Rempe, S. Miller, J. Oshun, C. Bode, W. Dietrich, I. Fung and T.E. Dawson. 2014. Vegetation induced changes in the stable isotope composition of near surface humidity. EcoHydrology 7(3): 936-949.
171. Alvarado-Barrientos, M.S, F. Holwerda, H. Asbjornsen, T.E. Dawson and L.A. Bruijnzeel. 2014. Suppression of transpiration due to cloud immersion in a seasonally dry Mexican weeping pine plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 186: 12-25.
169. Crutsinger, G.M., M.A. Rodriguez-Cabal, A.B. Roddy, K.G. Peay, J.L. Bastow, A.G. Kidder, T.E. Dawson, P.V.A. Fine and J.A. Rudgers. 2014. Genetic variation within a dominant shrub structures green and brown community assemblages. Ecology 95: 387-398.
161. Carbone, M. S., A.P. Williams, A.M. Ambrose, C.M. Boot, E. Bradley, T.E. Dawson, S.M. Schaeffer, J.P. Schimel and C.J. Still. 2013. Cloud shading and fog drip influence the metabolism of a coastal pine ecosystem. Global Change Biology 19: 484-497.
160. Álvarez-Cansino, L., T.E. Dawson, M. Cruz Díaz Barradas, M. Zunzunegui and M. Paz Esquivias. 2012. Gender-specific variation in physiology in the dioecious shrub Corema album throughout its distributional range. Functional Plant Biology .
159. Moreno-Gutiérrez, C., T.E. Dawson, E. Nicolás, J.I. Querejeta. 2012. Isotopes reveal contrasting water use strategies among coexisting plant species in a Mediterranean ecosystem. New Phytologist 195: 367-375.
158. Roddy, A.B. and T.E. Dawson. 2012. Determining the water dynamics during flowering using miniature sap flow sensors. Acta Hortuculturae 951: 47-53.
157. Goldsmith, G.R., N. Matzke and T.E. Dawson. 2012. The incidence and implications of clouds for cloud forest plant water relations. Ecology Letters 16: 307-314.
156. Goldsmith, G.R.. L.E. Muñoz-Villers, F. Holwerda, J.J. McDonnell, H. Asbjornsen and T.E. Dawson. 2012. Stable isotopes reveal linkages among ecohydrological processes in a seasonally dry tropical montane cloud forest. Ecohydrology 5: 779-790.
155. Werner, C., H. Schnyder, M. Cuntz, C. Keitel, M.J. Zeeman, T.E. Dawson, F-W. Badeck, E. Brugnoli, J. Ghashghaie, T.E.E. Grams, Z.E. Kayler, M. Lakatos, X. Lee, C. Máguas, J. Ogée, K.G. Rascher, R.T.W. Siegwolf, S. Unger, J. Welker, L. Wingate and A. Gessler. 2012. Progress and challenges using stable isotopes to trace plant carbon and water relations across scales. Biogeosciences 9: 3083-3111.
154. West A.G., T.E. Dawson, E.C. February, G.F. Midgley, W.J. Bond and T.L. Aston. 2012. Diverse functional responses to drought in a Mediterranean-type shrubland in South Africa. New Phytologist 195: 396-407.
153. Ackerly, D.D., R.A. Ryals, W.K. Cornwell, S.R. Loarie, S. Veloz, K.D. Higgason, W.L. Silver and T.E. Dawson. 2012. Potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the San Francisco Bay Area. California Energy Commission. Publication number CEC-434-2012.
152. Pittermann, J., S.A. Stuart, T.E. Dawson and A. Moreau. 2012. Cenozoic climate change shaped the evolutionary eco-physiology of the Cupressaceae conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 9647-9652.
151. Ewing, H.A., K.C. Weathers, A.M. Lindsey, P.H. Templer, T.E. Dawson, D.C. Bradbury, M.K. Firestone, and V.K.S. Boukili. 2012. Fog and soil weathering as sources of nutrients in a California redwood forest. In: R.B. Standiford, T.J. Weller, D.D. Piirto and J.D. Stuart (eds.), Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: a symposium for scientists and managers: General Technical Report PSW-GTR-238. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, p. 265-272.
150. Hynson, N.A., S. Mambelli, A.S. Amend and T.E. Dawson. 2012. Shady business: stable isotopes, and severing mycorrhizal networks show changes in mycoheterotrophy under light limitation. Oecologia 169: 307-317.
149. Simonin, K.A., E.B. Limm and T.E. Dawson. 2012. Hydraulic conductance of leaves correlates with leaf lifespan: implications for lifetime carbon gain. New Phytologist 193: 939-947.
148. Sache, D., I. Billault, G.J. Bowen, Y. Chikaraishi, T.E. Dawson et al. (+14 others). 2012. Molecular paleohydrology: interpreting the hydrogen isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers from photosynthetic organisms. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 40: 221-249.
147. Viani, R.A.G., R.R. Rodrigues, T.E. Dawson and R.S. Oliveira. 2011. Savanna soil limits growth but not survival of forest tree seedlings. Plant & Soil.
146. Mambelli, S., J.A. Bird, G. Gleixner, T.E. Dawson and M.S. Torn. 2011. Relative contribution of foliar and fine root pine litters to the molecular composition of soil organic matter after in situ degradation. Organic Geochemistry 42: 1099-1108.
145. West, A.G., G.R. Goldsmith, I. Matimati, I. and T.E. Dawson. 2011. Spectral analysis software improves confidence in plant and soil water stable isotope analyses performed by isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy (IRIS). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25: 2268–2274.
144. Carbone, M.S., C.J. Still, A.M. Ambrose, T.E. Dawson, A.P. Williams, C.M. Boot, S.M. Schaeffer, and J.P. Schimel. 2011. Seasonal and episodic moisture controls on plant and microbial contributions to soil respiration. Oecologia 167: 265-278.
143^. Hinckley, T.M., B. Lachenbruch, F.C. Menizer and T.E. Dawson. 2011. A lifespan perspective on integrating structure and function in trees. Pp. 1-33 In: F.C. Meinzer, B. Lachenbruch and T.E. Dawson (Eds.) Size- and Age-Related Changes in Tree Structure and Function. Springer Tree Physiology Series. Springer-Verlag.
142^. Meinzer, F.C., B. Lachenbruch and T.E. Dawson (editors). 2011. Size- and Age-Related Changes in Tree Structure and Function. Springer Tree Physiology Series. Springer-Verlag.
141. Kahmen, A., T.E. Dawson, A. Vieth and D. Sachse. 2011. Leaf wax n-alkane δD values are determined early in the ontogeny of deciduous Populus trichocarpa leaves. Plant, Cell & Environment 34: 111-118.
140. Viani, R.A.G, R.S. Oliveira, R.R. Rodrigues and T.E. Dawson. 2011. Functional differences between woodland savannas and seasonally dry forests from south-eastern Brazil: evidence from 15N natural abundance studies. Austral Ecology.
139^. Dawson, T.E. and K.S. Simonin. 2011. The roles of stable isotopes in forest hydrology and biogeochemistry. Pp. 137-161 In: D.F. Levia, D.E. Carlyle-Moses, T. and Tanaka, T. (Eds.), Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Research and Future Directions. Ecological Studies Series, No. 216, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
138. Roden, J.S. J.A. Johnstone and T.E. Dawson. 2011. Regional and watershed-scale coherence in the stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratio time-series in tree-rings of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). Tree Ring Research 67: 71-86.
137. Werner, C., F. Badeck, E. Brugnoli, B. Cohn, M. Cuntz, T.E. Dawson, A. Gessler, J. Ghashghaie, T.E.E. Grams, Z. Kayler, C. Keitel, M. Lakatos, X. Lee, C. M´aguas, J. Og´ee, K.G. Rascher, H. Schnyder, R. Siegwolf, S. Unger, J. Welker, L. Wingate and M.J. Zeeman. 2011. Linking carbon and water cycles using stable isotopes across scales: progress and challenges. Biogeosciences Discussions 8: 2659–2719.
136. Asbjornsen, H., G.R. Goldsmith, M.S.Alvarado-Barrientos, K. Rebel, F.P. Van Osch, M. Rietkerk, J. Chen, S. Gotsch, C. Tobón, D.R. Geissert, A. Gómez-Tagle, K. Vache, and T.E. Dawson. 2011. Ecohydrological advances and applications in plant-water relations research: A review. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 3-22.
135. Kahmen, A., D. Sachse, S.K. Arndt, M. Farrington, P.M. Vitousek and T.E Dawson. 2011. Cellulose δ18O is an index of atmospheric demand for water in tropical plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 1981-1986.
134. Ma, S.Y., D.D. Baldocchi, S. Mambelli, and T.E. Dawson. 2011. Are temporal variations of leaf traits responsible for seasonal and inter-annual variability in ecosystem CO2 exchange? Functional Ecology 25: 258-270.
133. Gaudinski, J.B., M.S. Torn, W.J. Riley, T.E. Dawson, J.D. Joslin, H. Majdi. 2010. Measuring and modeling the spectrum of fine root turnover times in three forests using isotopes, minirhizotrons and the Radix model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24: GB3029, doi:10.1029/2009GB003649.
132. Saveyn, A., Steppe, K., N. Ubierna and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Woody tissue photosynthesis and its contribution to trunk growth and bud development in young plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 33: 1949-1958.
131. Ambrose, A.R., S.C. Sillett, G.W. Koch, R. Van Pelt, M.E. Antoine and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Effects of height on treetop transpiration and stomatal conductance in coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). Tree Physiology 30: 1260-1272.
130. Pittermann, J., B. Choat, S. Jansen, S.A. Stuart, L. Lynn and T.E. Dawson. 2010. The relationships between xylem safety and hydraulic efficiency in the Cupressaceae: the evolution of pit membrane form and function. Plant Physiology 153: 1919-1931.
129. Limm, E.B. and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Polystichum munitum (Dryopteridaceae) varies geographically in its capacity to absorb fog water by foliar uptake within the redwood forest ecosystem. American Journal of Botany 97(7): 1121–1128.
128. West, A.G., G.R. Goldsmith, P.D. Brooks and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Discrepancies between isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry for the stable isotope analysis of plant and soil waters. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24: 1-7.
127. Johnstone, J.A. and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Climatic context and ecological implications of summer for decline in the coast redwood region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(10): 4533-4538.
126^. West, J.B., G.J. Bowen, T.E. Dawson and K.P. Tu (editors). 2010. Isoscapes - Understanding movement, pattern, and process on Earth through isotope mapping. Springer-Verlag. 487 pp.
125^. Bowen, G.J., J.B. West and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Isoscapes in a rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world. Pp. 425-432, In: Isoscapes - Understanding movement, pattern and process on Earth through isotope mapping. Springer-Verlag.
124. Burgess, S. S. O. M.L. Kranz, N.E. Turner, R. Cardell-Oliver and T.E. Dawson. 2010. Harnessing wireless sensor technologies to advance forest ecology and agricultural research. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 30-37.
123. Kahmen, A., K.S. Simonin, K.P. Tu, G. Goldsmith and T.E. Dawson. 2009. The influence of species and growing conditions on oxygen isotope leaf water enrichment and its impact on “effective path length”. New Phytologist 184: 619–630.
122. Limm, E.B., K.A. Simonin, A.G. Bothman and T.E. Dawson. 2009. Foliar water uptake: a common water acquisition strategy for plants of the redwood forest. Oecologia 161: 449-459.
121. Craine, J.M., A.J. Elmore, M. P.M. Aidar, M. Bustamante, T.E. Dawson, E.A. Hobbie, A. Kahmen, M.C. Mack, K.K. McLauchlan, A. Michelsen, G.B. Nardoto, L.H. Pardo, J. Peñuelas, P.B. Reich, E.A.G. Schuur, W.D. Stock, P.H. Templer, R.A. Virginia, J.M. Welker, and I.J. Wright. 2009. Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability. New Phytologist 183: 980-992.
120. Simonin, K.S., L.S. Santiago and T.E. Dawson. 2009. Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit. Plant, Cell & Environment 32: 882-892.
119. Ambrose, A.R., S.C. Sillett and T.E. Dawson. 2009. Effects of tree height on branch hydraulics, leaf structure, and gas exchange in California’s redwood species. Plant, Cell & Environment 32: 743-757.
118. Moriarty, K.M., W.J. Zielinski, A.G. Gonzales, T.E. Dawson, K.M. Boatner, C.A. Wilson, F.V. Schlexer, K.L. Pilgrim, J.P. Copeland and M.K. Schwartz. 2009. Wolverine confirmation in California after Nearly a Century: Native or Long-Distance Immigrant? Northwest Science 83: 154-162.
117. Gaudinski, J.B., M.S. Torn, W.J. Riley, C. Swanston, S.E. Trumbore, J.D. Joslin, H. Majdi, T.E. Dawson, and P.J. Hanson. 2009. Use of stored carbon reserves in growth of temperate tree roots and leaf buds: analyses using radiocarbon measurements and modeling. Global Change Biology 15: 992-1014.
116. Lilleskov, E.A., T.D. Bruns, T.E. Dawson and F.J Camacho. 2009. Water sources and controls on water-loss rates of epigeous ecotomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps during summer drought. New Phytologist 182: 483-494.
115. Ewing, H.A., K.C. Weathers, P.H. Templer, T.E. Dawson, M.K. Firestone, A.M. Elliott and V.K.S Boukili. 2009. Fog water and ecosystem function: heterogeneity in a California Redwood forest. Ecosystems 12: 417-433.
114. Cernusak, L.A., G. Tcherkez, C. Keitel, W.K. Cornwell, L.S. Santiago, A. Knohl, M.M. Barbour, D.G. Williams, P.B. Reich, D.S. Ellsworth, T.E. Dawson, H.G. Griffiths, G.D. Farquhar and I.J. Wright. 2009. Why are non-photosynthetic tissues generally 13-C enriched compared to leaves in C3 plants? Review and synthesis of current hypotheses. Functional Plant Biology 36: 199-213.
113. Roden, J.S., J.A. Johnstone and T.E. Dawson. 2009. Intra-annual variation in the stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of cellulose in tree rings of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). The Holocene 19: 189-197.
112. Plamboeck, A.H., M. North and T.E. Dawson. 2008. Conifer seedling survival under closed-canopy and manzanita patches in the Sierra Nevada. Madrono 55: 191-201.
111. Koenig, W.D., D.J. Schaefer, S. Mambelli, and T.E. Dawson. 2008. Acorns, insects, and the diet of adult versus nestling Acorn Woodpeckers . Journal of Field Ornithology 79: 280–285.
109. Chen, Q., D.B. Baldocchi, P. Gong and T.E. Dawson. 2008. Modeling radiation and photosynthesis of a heterogeneous savanna woodland landscape with a hierarchy of model complexity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1005-1020.
108. Anderson, R.L., R. Byrne and T. Dawson. 2008. Stable isotope evidence for a foggy climate on Santa Cruz Island, California at ~16,000 cal. Yr. B.P. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 262: 176-181.
107. Burgess, S.O.O. and T.E. Dawson. 2008. Using branch and basal sap flow measurements to estimate whole-plant capacitance: a caution. Plant and Soil 305: 5-13.
106. Dawson, T.E. and R. T.W. Siegwolf (editors). 2007. Stable Isotopes as Indicators of Ecological Change. Academic Press-Elsevier, San Diego. 417 pp.
103. Grams, T.E.E., A.R. Kozovits, K-H. Häberle, R. Matyssek and T.E. Dawson. 2007. Combining d13C and d18O analyses to unravel competition, CO2 and O3 effects on the physiological performance of different-aged trees. Plant, Cell & Environment 30: 1023-1034.
102. Plamboeck, A.H., T.E. Dawson, L.M. Egerton-Warburton, M. North, T. Bruns and J.I. Querejeta. 2007. Water transfer via fungal hyphae to conifer seedlings. Mycorrhiza 17: 439.447.
101. Burgess, S.O.O. and T.E. Dawson. 2007. Predicting the limits to tree height using statistical regressions of leaf traits. New Phytologist 174: 626-636.
100. Lambrecht, S.C. and T.E. Dawson. 2007. Correlated variation of floral and leaf traits along a moisture availability gradient. Oecologia 151: 574-583.
99. Wenk, E.H. and T.E. Dawson. 2007. Interspecific differences in seed germination, establishment, and early growth in relation to preferred soil type in an alpine community. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 165-176.
98. Fisher, J.B., D.D. Baldocchi, L. Mission, T.E. Dawson and A.H. Goldstein. 2007. What the towers don’t see at night: Nocturnal sapflow in trees and shrubs at two AmeriFlux sites in California. Tree Physiology 27: 597-610.
97. Dawson, T.E., S.O.O. Burgess, K.P. Tu, R.S. Oliveira, J.B. Fisher, L.S. Santiago, K.S. Simonin and A.R. Ambrose. 2007. Nighttime transpiration in woody plants from contrasting ecosystems. Tree Physiology 27: 561-575.
96. Gregg, J.W., C.G. Jones and T.E. Dawson. 2006. Physiological and developmental effects of ozone on cottonwood growth in urban and rural sites in the vicinity of New York City. Ecological Applications 16: 2368-2381.
95. Darrouzet-Nardi, A. C.M. D'Antonio and T.E. Dawson. 2006. Depth of water acquisition by invading shrubs and resident herbs in a Sierra Nevada montane meadow. Plant and Soil 285: 31-43.
94. Burgess, S.O.O., J.A. Pitterman and T.E. Dawson. 2006. Hydraulic efficiency and safety of branch xylem increases with height in Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns. Plant, Cell & Environment 29: 229-239.
93. Gaudinski, J., T.E. Dawson, S. Quideau, T. Schuur, J. Roden, S. Trumbore, D.R. Sandquist, S.-W. Oh and R.E. Wasylishen. 2005. A comparative analysis of cellulose extraction techniques for use with 13C, 14C and 18O isotopic measurements. Analytical Chemistry 77: 7212-7224.
92. Lee, J-E, R.S. Oliveiria, T.E. Dawson, and I. Fung. 2005. Root functioning modifies seasonal climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102: 17576-17581.
91. Tolle, G., D. Culler, T. Dawson, K. Tu, W. Hong, R. Szewczyk, J. Polastre, S. Burgess, N. Turner, D. Gay and P. Buonadonna. 2005. A Macroscope in the Redwoods. SenSys 218. Publication of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems; SenSys 2005.
90. Corbin, J.D., M.A. Thomsen, T.E. Dawson and C.M. D'Antonio. 2005. Summer water use by California coastal prairie grasses: fog, drought, and community composition. Oecologia 145: 511-521.
89. Oliveira, R.S., T.E. Dawson, S.O.O. Burgess and D.C. Nepstad. 2005. Hydraulic redistribution in three Amazonian tree species. Oecologia 145: 354-363.
88. Santiago, L.S., K. Silvera, J.L. Andrade and T.E. Dawson. 2005. El uso de Isótopos Estables en Biología Tropical [English title: The use of stable isotope techniques in tropical biology]. Invited Review – Interciencia 30: 536-542.
87. Oliveira, R.S., T.E. Dawson, S.O.O. Burgess. 2005. Evidence for direct water absorption by pseudostems of the desiccation-tolerant plant Vellozia flavicans in the savannas of central Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 585-588.
86. Dawson, T.E. and J.K. Ward. 2005. Gender-specific ecophysiology, growth and habitat distribution in the riparian tree (Acer negundo), Boxelder. Pp. 129-131 In: R.J. Naiman, H. Décamps and M.E. McClain (eds.) RIPARIA – ecology, conservation and management of streamside communities. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
85. Juenger, T.J., J.K. McKay, N.J. Hausmann, J. Keurentjes, S. Sen, K.A. Stowe, T.E. Dawson, E.L. Simms and J.R. Richards. 2005. Identification and characterization of QTL underlying whole-plant physiology in Arabidopsis thaliana: d13C and stomatal conductance. Plant, Cell & Environment 28: 697-708.
84. Templer, P.H., G.M. Lovett, K. Weathers, S. Findlay, and T.E. Dawson. 2005. Influences of tree species on 15N sinks and forest N retention in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA. Ecosystems 8: 1-16.
83^. Tu, K.P. and T.E. Dawson. 2005. Partitioning ecosystem respiration using stable carbon isotope analyses of CO2. Pp. 125-153, In: L.B. Flanagan, J.R, Ehleringer & D.E. Pataki (eds) Stable Isotopes and Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions: Processes and Biological Controls. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
82. Hausmann, N.J., T.E. Juenger, S. Sen, K.A. Stowe, T.E. Dawson and E.L. Simms. 2005. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting d13C and response to soil water availability in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 59: 81-96.
81. Kennedy, P.G., N.J. Hausmann, E.H. Wenk, and T.E. Dawson. 2004. The importance of seed reserves for seedling performance: an integrated approach using morphological, physiological, and stable isotope techniques. Oecologia 141: 547-554.
80. Templer, P.H. and T.E. Dawson. 2004. Nitrogen uptake by four tree species of the Catskill Mountains, New York: implications for forest N dynamics. Plant and Soil 262: 251-261.
79. Burgess, S.O.O. and T.E. Dawson. 2004. The contribution of fog to the water relations of Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don): foliar uptake and prevention of dehydration. Plant, Cell & Environment 27: 1023-1034.
78. Ludwig, F., T.E. Dawson, H. De Kroon, F. Berendse and H.H.T. Prins. 2004. Belowground competition between trees and grasses may overwhelm the facilitative effects of hydraulic lift. Ecology Letters 7: 623-631.
77. Dawson, T.E., J.K. Ward, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2004. Temporal scaling of physiological responses from gas exchange to tree rings: a gender-specific study of Acer negundo (boxelder) under different conditions. Functional Ecology 18: 212-222.
76. Feild, T.S., N.C. Arens, J.A. Doyle, T.E. Dawson and M.A. Donoghue. 2004. Dark and Disturbed: a new image of early angiosperm ecology. Paleobiology 30: 82-107.
75. Reich, A., J.J. Ewel, N.M. Nadkarni, T.E. Dawson and R.D. Evans. 2003. Nitrogen isotope ratios shift with plant size in tropical bromeliads. Oecologia 442: 587-590.
74. M.L. Cadenasso, S.T.A. Pickett, K.C. Weathers, S Bell, T.L. Benning M.M. Carreiro, and T. Dawson. 2003. An Interdisciplinary and Synthetic Approach to Ecological Boundaries. BioScience 53: 717-722.
73. Gregg, J.W., C.G. Jones and T.E. Dawson. 2003. Urbanization, Air Pollution and Tree Growth in the Vicinity of New York City. Nature 424: 183-187.
71. Ludwig, F., T.E. Dawson, H. De Kroon, F. Berendse and H.H.T. Prins. 2003. Hydraulic Lift in Acacia tortilis trees on an East African savanna. Oecologia 134: 293-300.
70. Dawson, T.E., S. Mambelli, A.H. Plamboeck, P.H. Templer and K.P. Tu. 2002. Stable Isotopes in Plant Ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33: 507-559.
69. Traw, B.M and T.E. Dawson. 2002. Reduced performance of two specialist herbivores (Lepidoptera:Pieridae, Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on induced leaves of black mustard. Environmental Entomology 31: 714-722.
68. Traw, B.M. and T.E. Dawson. 2002. Differential induction of trichomes by three herbivores of black mustard. Oecologia 131: 526-532.
67. Ward, J.K., T.E. Dawson, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Responses of Acer negundo genders to inter-annual differences in water availability determined from carbon isotope ratios of tree ring cellulose. Tree Physiology 22: 339-346.
66. Feddes, R.A. H. Hoff, M. Bruen, T. Dawson, P. de Rosnay, P. Dirmeyer, R.B. Jackson, P. Kabat, A. Kleidon, A. Lilly, and A.J. Pitman. 2001. Modeling Root Water Uptake in Hydrological and Climate Models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 82 (12): 2797-2810.
63. Dawson, T.E. 2001. Physiological Ecology. Pp. 5146-5152 In: The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, New York.62^. Dawson, T.E. and P.D. Brooks. 2001. Fundamentals of stable isotope chemistry and measurement. Pp. 1-18 In: M. Unkovich, A. McNeill, J. Pate and J. Gibbs (eds.). The Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Study Biological Processes and the Functioning of Ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London.
61. DeLucia, E.H., J.S. Coleman, T.E. Dawson and R.B. Jackson. 2001. Plant Physiological Ecology: Challenges and New Horizons. New Phytologist 149: 12-16.
60. Jackson, R.B., J.S. Sperry, and T.E. Dawson. 2000. Root water uptake and transport: using physiological processes in global predictions. Trends in Plant Science 5: 484-491.
59. Ackerly, D.D., S.A. Dudley, S.E. Sultan, J. Schmitt, J.S. Coleman, R. Linder, D.R. Sandquist, M.A. Geber, A.S. Evans, T.E. Dawson and M.J. Lechowicz. 2000. The evolution of plant ecophysiological traits: recent advances and future directions. BioScience 50(11): 979-995.
57. Burgess, S.S.O, J.S. Pate, M.A. Adams and T.E. Dawson. 2000. Seasonal water acquisition and redistribution in the Australian woody phreatophyte, Banksia prionotes. Annals of Botany 85: 215-224.
55^. Sawyer, J.O., S.C. Sillett, W.J. Libby, T.E. Dawson, J.H. Popenoe, D.L. Largent, R. Van Pelt, S.D. Veirs Jr., R.F. Noss, D.A. Thornburgh and P. Del Tredici. 2000. Redwood Trees, Communities and Ecosystems: A closer look. Pp. 81-118 In: R. F. Noss [ed.] The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coastal California Redwoods. Island Press, Covelo, CA.
[Also reprinted in, T. Lefroy, R. Hobbs, J. Pate and M. O'Connor (eds.) Agriculture as a Mimic for Natural Ecosystems. Kluwer Scientific Publishers].
52^. Dawson, T.E. and M.A. Geber. 1999. Sexual dimorphism in physiology and morphology. pp. 175-215 In: M.A. Geber, T.E. Dawson, and L.F. Delph [eds.]. Sexual and gender dimorphism in flowering plants. Springer-Verlag.
51. Dawson, T.E. 1998. Fog in the California Redwood forest: ecosystem inputs and use by plants. Oecologia 117: 476-485.
50. Pate, J.S., W.D. Jeschke, T.E. Dawson, C. Raphael, W. Hartung, and B.J. Bowen. 1998. Growth and seasonal utilization of water and nutrients by Banksia prionotes Lindley. Australian Journal of Botany 46: 511-532.
49. Dawson, T.E. and P.E. Vidiella. 1998. Plant-fog interactions in California and Chile. Pp. 225-228, In: Schemenauer RS, Bridgman H (eds) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection. IDRC/CRDI Publication, Ottawa, Canada.
48^. Dawson, T.E. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Plants, Isotopes, and Water use: A catchment-level perspective. Pp. 165-202, In: C. Kendall & J.J. McDonnell [eds.], Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
47. Feild, T.S. and T.E. Dawson. 1998. Water sources used by epiphytic, hemiepiphytic, and arborescent Didymopanax pittieri in a tropical cloud forest. Ecology 79: 1448-1452.
46. Ebdon, J.S., A.M. Petrovic, and T.E. Dawson. 1998. Relationship between carbon isotope discrimination, water use efficiency and evapotranspiration rate in kentucky bluegrass turfgrass. Crop Science 38: 157-162.
45. Dawson, T.E. and R. Fry. 1998. Agriculture in Nature's Image. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 50-51.
44. Caldwell, M.M., T.E. Dawson, and J.R. Richards. 1998. Hydraulic Lift: consequences of water efflux from the roots of plants. Oecologia 113: 151-161.
43. Dawson, T.E. 1998. Water loss from tree roots influences soil water and nutrient status and plant performance. Current Topics in Plant Physiology 18: 235-250 [entitled: Radical Biology: Advances and Perspectives in the Function of Plant Roots. HE Flores, JP Lynch and DM Eissenstat (eds). American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, MD, USA].
41^. Dawson, T.E., R.C. Pausch, and H.M. Parker. 1998. The role of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in understanding water movement along the soil-plant-atmospheric continuum. pp. 169-183 In: H. Griffiths [ed.], Stable Isotopes and the Integration of Biological, Ecological and Geochemical Processes. BIOS Scientific Publishers, London.
40. Emerman, S.H. and T.E. Dawson. 1997. Experiments using split-root chambers on water uptake from soil macropores by sunflower. Plant and Soil 189: 57-63.
39. Schwarz, P.A., T.J. Fahey, and T.E. Dawson. 1997. Seasonal soil and air temperature effects on photosynthesis in red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) saplings. Tree Physiology 17: 187-194.
38. Geber, M.A. and T.E. Dawson. 1997. Genetic variation in stomatal and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in the annual plant, Polygonum arenastrum. Oecologia 109: 535-546.
36. Emerman, S.H. and T.E. Dawson. 1996b. Hydraulic lift and its influence on the water content of the rhizosphere: an example from sugar maple, Acer saccharum. Oecologia 108: 273-278.
35. Emerman, S.H. and T.E. Dawson. 1996a. The role of macropores in the cultivation of bell pepper in salinized soil. Plant and Soil 181: 241-249.
34. Dawson, T.E. and J.S. Pate. 1996c. Seasonal water uptake and movement in root systems of Australian phraeotophytic plants of dimorphic root morphology: a stable isotope investigation. Oecologia 107: 13-20.
33. Dawson, T.E. 1996b. Determining water use by trees and forests from isotopic, energy balance, and transpiration analyses: the role of tree size and hydraulic lift. Tree Physiology 16: 263-272.
32. Dawson, T.E. 1996a. The use of fog precipitation by plants in coastal redwood forests. pp. 90-93, In: J. LeBlanc [ed.] Proceed. Conf. on Coastal Redwood Ecology and Management. Humboldt State Uni., Uni. of Calif. Coop. Exten. Forest. Publ.
31. Dawson, T.E. 1995. L' integrazione dei metodi basati sugli isotopi stabili nello studio delle relazioni idriche e del bilancio del carbonio in specie legnose. Monti e Boschi 95(3): 41-49. {english title; The integration of stable isotope methods into studies of woody plant carbon and water balance (commissioned review for) Mountains and Forests; the journal of the Italian Forestry Society}.
30. Dias-Filho, M.B., J.A. Wise, and T.E. Dawson. 1995. Irradiance and water deficit effects on gas exchange behavior of two C3 Amazonian weeds. Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasília 30: 319-325.
29. Dias-Filho, M.B. and T.E. Dawson. 1995. Physiological response to soil moisture stress in two Amazonian gap-invader species. Functional Ecology 9: 213-221.
28. Emerman, S.H. and T.E. Dawson. 1995. Ecological implications of soil macropores. Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union - Hydrology Days 15: 33-46.
27. Norman, J. K., A.K. Sakai, S.G. Weller and T.E. Dawson. 1995. Inbreeding depression in morphological and physiological traits of Schiedea lygatei (Caryophyllaceae) in two environments. Evolution 49: 297-306.
26. Marshall, J.D., T.E. Dawson and J.R. Ehleringer. 1994. Integrated nitrogen, carbon, and water relations of a xylem-tapping mistletoe following nitrogen fertilization of the host. Oecologia 100: 430-438.
25. Dawson, T.E. 1993a. Woodland water balance. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 120-121.
24. Dawson, T.E. 1993b. Hydraulic lift and water use by plants: implications for water balance, performance, and plant-plant interactions. Oecologia 95: 565-574.
23^. Dawson, T.E. 1993c. Water sources of plants as determined from xylem-water isotopic composition: perspectives on plant competition, distribution, and water relations. pp 465-496 In: J.R. Ehleringer, A.E. Hall, and G.D. Farquhar [eds.], Stable Isotopes and Plant Carbon/Water Relations. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.
22. Dawson, T.E. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1993a. Gender-specific physiology, carbon isotope discrimination, and habitat distribution in boxelder, Acer negundo. Ecology 74: 798-815.
21. Dawson, T.E. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1993b. Isotopic enrichment of water in the "woody" tissues of plants: Implications for water source, water uptake and other studies which use stable isotopic composition of cellulose. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57: 3487-3492.
20^. Dawson, T.E. and F.S. Chapin, III. 1993. Grouping plants by their form-function characteristics as an avenue for simplification in scaling from leaves to landscapes. pp. 313-319 In: J.R. Ehleringer and C. B. Field [eds.], Scaling physiological Processes: Leaf to Globe Academic Press Inc., San Diego.
19^. Geber, M.A. and T.E. Dawson. 1993. Evolutionary Responses of Plants to Global Change. pp. 179-197, In: P. Kareiva, P., Kingsolver, J., and Huey, R. [eds]. Biotic Interactions and Global Change. Sinauer Associates, Publishers, New York.
18. Galen, C., T.E. Dawson, and M.L. Stanton. 1993. Carpels as leaves: meeting the carbon costs of reproduction in an alpine buttercup. Oecologia 95: 187-193.
17. Dawson, T.E. and L.C. Bliss. 1993. Plants as mosaics: leaf-, ramet-, and gender-level variation in the physiology of the dwarf willow, Salix arctica. Functional Ecology 7: 293-304.
16. Marshall, J.D., T.E. Dawson, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1993. Gender-related differences in physiology are not related to host quality in the xylem-tapping mistletoe, Phoradendron juniperinum . American Journal of Botany 80: 641-645.
15. Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Dawson. 1992. Water uptake by plants: perspectives from stable isotope composition. Plant, Cell and Environment 15: 1073-1082.
14^. Oberbauer, S.F. and T.E. Dawson. 1992. Water relations of Arctic vascular plants. pp. 259-279 In: Chapin, F.S. III, R. Jefferies, G.Shaver, J. Reynolds, and J. Svoboda [eds.], Physiological ecology of arctic plants: implications for climate change. Academic Press Inc., San Diego.
13. Dawson, T.E. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1991. Streamside trees that do not use stream water. Nature 350: 335-337.
12. Dawson, T.E. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1991. Ecological correlates of seed mass variation in Phoradendron juniperinum, a xylem-tapping mistletoe. Oecologia 85: 332-342.
11. Smedley, M.P., T.E. Dawson, J.P. Comstock, L.A. Donovan, D.E. Sherrill, C.S. Cook, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1991. Seasonal carbon isotope discrimination in a grassland community. Oecologia 85: 314-320.
10. Geber, M.A. and T.E. Dawson. 1990. Genetic variation in and covariation between leaf gas exchange, morphology and development in Polygonum arenastrum, an annual plant. Oecologia 85: 153-158.
9. Dawson, T.E., E.J. King, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1990a. Age structure of Phoradendron juniperinum, a xylem-tapping mistletoe: inferences from a non-destructive morphological index of age. American Journal of Botany 77: 573-583.
8. Dawson, T.E., J.R. Ehleringer, and J.D. Marshall. 1990b. Sex-ratio and reproductive variation in the mistletoe Phoradendron juniperinum . American Journal of Botany 77: 584-589.
7. Dawson, T.E. 1990. Spatial and physiological overlap of three co-occurring alpine willows. Functional Ecology 4: 13-25.
6. Dawson, T.E. and L.C. Bliss. 1989a. Intraspecific variation in the water relations of Salix arctica, an arctic and alpine dwarf willow. Oecologia 79: 322-331.
5. Dawson, T.E. and L.C. Bliss. 1989b. Patterns of water use and the tissue water relations in the dioecious shrub, Salix arctica: the physiological basis for habitat partitioning between the sexes. Oecologia 79: 332-343.
4. Charnov, E.L. and T.E. Dawson. 1989. Environmental sex determination with overlapping generations. The American Naturalist 134: 806-816.
3. Kukal, O. and T.E. Dawson. 1989. Temperature, and food quality influences on feeding behavior, assimilation efficiency and growth rate in arctic woolly-bear caterpillars. Oecologia 79: 526-532.
2. ^Bliss, L.C., J. Braatne, D. Chapin, T. Dawson, and P. Galland. 1988. Growth form and ecophysiology of western North American alpine plants. pp. 29-33 In: W. Xia [ed.] Alpine Meadow Ecosystems. Biology Institute Press, Xining, China.
1. Dawson, T.E. and L.C. Bliss. 1987. Species patterns, edaphic characteristics, and plant water potential in a high-arctic brackish marsh. Canadian Journal Botany 65: 863-868.
Wilkening, J.V., X. Feng, T.E. Dawson and S.E. Thompson. Different roads, same destination: The shared future of plant ecophysiology and ecohydrology. Plant, Cell & Environment (in review).
Crutchfield-Peters, K.L., A.K. Tune, D.M. Rempe and T.E. Dawson. Deep rhizospheres extend the nitrogen cycle meters below the base of soil into weathered bedrock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (in review).
Anderegg, L, R. Skelton, J. Diaz, P. Papper, D.D. Ackerly and T.E., Dawson. Plasticity drives geographic variation and trait coordination in blue oak drought physiology. Functional Ecology (in review).
Olson, M.E + 27 co-authors (T.E. Dawson, senior author). Global patterns of plant hydraulic systems and climate. Science (in revision).