The College of Letters & Science expects that all students declare by the time they earn 75 units. Students who remain undeclared will have a registration block against enrollment for the next semester and will need to see an IB advisor to discuss a plan for declaring.
Declaration Requirements (effective fall 2023)
Declarations are only accepted during the periods of instruction for fall and spring semesters; summer declarations are not permitted.
- Must be enrolled in or have completed either IB 77A (offered in the fall) or IB 77B (offered in the spring)
- Overall GPA of 2.0 or higher (includes all classes taken at Cal)
- Major GPA of 2.0 or higher (includes all lower- and upper-division IB requirements)
- Upper-division major GPA of 2.0 or higher (only upper-division IB requirements)
Students can declare in their first semester at Cal if enrolled in IB 77A or B.
Transfer Students
It is recommended that all lower-division courses be completed before arriving at Berkeley. This is recommended for the following reasons:
- The College of Letters & Science sets a limit to the number of semesters or units you may accrue after transferring.
- Without lower-division requirements finished, it is very difficult to finish the major within your allotted time at Cal.
Effective Fall 2018, transfer students may declare IB in their first semester if they meet the eligibility requirements listed above.
Steps for Declaring
- Create a plan:
- Decide on a major emphasis.
- Review all of the major requirements. Choose which upper-division courses interest you the most.
- Contact the Undergraduate Student Services Office (USSO) with any questions or for more information.
- Check that you've completed all declaration requirements; see above.
- Complete the online declaration form. You must be logged in to eduroam or via the bSecure VPN (Library Access). The form must be submitted in one session, i.e., you cannot close the window and come back to it or leave it so long that your CalNet authentication times out. After submission, wait for an email confirmation before making a declaration appointment through the booking links provided on our IB Undergraduate Advising web page. We recommend you complete this during weeks 1-8 of a Fall or Spring semester.
- Discuss your past coursework and future academic plan with a staff advisor in the USSO.
- Meet with your faculty advisor to review the completed paperwork, discuss research and career options, and obtain a signature.
- Return the signed form to your staff advisor. The major will be declared in CalCentral after approximately one week.
Registration Holds
What is a Registration Hold?
An Advising Hold is placed on all students prior to phase 1 enrollment, preventing students from registering until the hold is removed. These holds appear on CalCentral. Other holds placed by Financial Aid or the Registrar may also affect enrollment.
- Registration Holds are placed on all students who are declared or will have reached 75 units (including all coursework in progress, but not including AP units) by the beginning of the next term.
- Registration Holds provide a chance for students to connect with an advisor in their major (or intended major) each semester to make sure students are on track towards graduation.
- Students must have their holds lifted to register for classes. This process happens every semester.
Where and when do I get my Registration Hold lifted?
Check the emails we send to you in mid-September for spring enrollment or early March for fall enrollment, so that you can come in for early advising and avoid the rush before enrollment begins.