Study Abroad in Norway

NOTE: We are working to re-establish these university agreements. Please email for the latest information.

The Departments of Integrative Biology and Molecular & Cell Biology have academic relationships with four universities in Norway. These universities offer a wide range of courses, ranging from marine sciences and aquaculture, to microbiology, physiology, evolution, and bioinformatics. Norwegian universities provide a great study aboard opportunity for our students because the unique educational specialties and their education system does not charge tuition to foreign students. Once a student is accepted to the program, the student is only responsible for living expenses, student fee, and travel. 

Universities that you can study at:

University of Oslo Banner


The Norwegian systems offers student instruction in both Norwegian and English. Some universities, such as UiO, offer courses taught in English starting in the second year (mostly equivalent to third year courses at UCB), while others have English instruction in the third year courses (equivalent to 4th courses at UCB). 

Students who study abroad may use up to TWO upper division courses toward the major requirements. Once you have identified courses of interest for your specific campus, students should collect as much information about the courses (syllabi/reading lists/course descriptions) and bring the information to the Undergraduate Affairs Office for review by a staff advisor. Once we've identified the courses that are most like major-related courses at the appropriate level, the staff advisor will refer you to the faculty advisor for tentative approval.

For final approval, students must bring a course syllabus and copy of their transcript to the Undergraduate Affairs Office AFTER returning from the program. Staff advisors will provided the necessary exceptions paperwork and then refer you to the advisor that gave the pre-approval. Please note that most courses that go through the pre-approval process are accepted toward major requirements as long as the content is similar to what was originally proposed and you earn a C or better in the course.

Students are responsible for determining that they have the adequate prerequisites and background when enrolling in a course abroad. These courses must be LETTER Graded if used for the major.

University of Bergen Banner

Academic Credit

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will determine if the units that you earn in Norway will be transferable to UCB. Generally this has not been a problem  because all of the Norwegian Universities available to you are accredited institutions.

If you would like to satisfy either College or major requirements, please speak to that specific adviser.

How courses from Norway appear on your UCB transcript:

Once your courses transfer from Norway, it will appear as it does in the example below. Please note that the grades that you earn from Norway do not calculate into your UC GPA.



*UN 25.0

University of Stavanger Banner


Norwegian Universities use a different grading scale than UC Berkeley. Please see below for more information:

Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Housing is guaranteed at all of the Norwegian Universities. There is generally a separate application for housing. Please be mindful of all deadlines.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

The Study Abroad in Norway program is considered by UC Berkeley as an “Independent” or “Consortium” Study Abroad program. If you receive financial aid, please click here to see how you can use your financial aid to study abroad in Norway. 

Contact a financial aid counselor with any questions about study abroad and financial aid. Counselors from the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office are available MTThF 10-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. at the Berkeley Study Abroad Office in 160 Stephens Hall. ***Please note that Berkeley Study Abroad has limited hours during the Summer*** Prior to your visit, please call +1 510 642-1356 to confirm counselor availability.

Cost of Attendance

If you opt to attend a Norwegian University during the Fall or Spring semester, you will not be charged tuition, as public Norwegian universities do not charge tuition. If you are interested in attending the International Summer School at the University of Oslo, you will need to pay tuition. Please note that the estimates below do not include the cost of round trip airfare.

  • NTNU estimates that students will need NOK 100,920 for the 2015-2016 academic year. With the current exchange rate, this would be  less than USD $6000 per semester.
  • UiO provides a budget for a Fall/Spring semester.
  • International Summer School at UiO does change tuition during Summers. The 2016 fees are listed here.
  • For comparison, please check the estimated cost for UC Berkeley: UC Berkeley cost for 2015-2016


Please check here to determine whether or not you would need a visa to study abroad in Norway. Generally, most students will not need a visa to participate in the Summer program, but that is dependent on your country of citizenship. Also, if you participate during the Fall or Spring semesters, you will need to apply for a residence permit

Planned Leave of Absence

If you participate in the Study Abroad in Norway program and will return to UCB the following term (participate in Fall and return in Spring or participate in Spring and return in Fall), you will need to submit a Planned Leave of Absence form to the Berkeley Study Abroad Office. This form allows you to take a leave of absence and then return the following semester. 

This form requires that you meet with a counselor from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid counselors from 160 Stephens Hall, your College adviser and/or Major adviser. This process can take several weeks to complete, so please plan accordingly. There is a $70 fee for submitting the form which will be charged to your billing account. 

UC Berkeley Deadlines

  • April 15th for Fall absence
  • October 15th for Spring absence

Calendar Dates (approximate):

University of Oslo

  • Fall (or Autumn) term: from the middle of August to the middle of December
  • Spring term:  from early January to the middle of June

University of Bergen

  • Fall (or Autumn) term: early August-end of December
  • Spring term : early January-end of June

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Fall (or Autumn) term:  from the middle of August to the middle of December
  • Spring term:  from early January to the middle of June

University of Stavanger

  • Fall (or Autumn) term:  from the middle of August to the middle of December
  • Spring term:  from early January to the middle of June

Application Instructions

NOTE: We are working re-establish these university agreements. If you are interested in the Study in Norway program, please email for the latest information.