Insight SP19 Accolades


Professor Daniela Kaufer is a recipient of
the 2018 Radical Ideas in Brain Science
, with funds to support collaborative
research focused on “The blood-brain barrier:
a possible culprit in Alzheimer’s disease and
age-related cognitive decline.”



Associate Professor Michael Shapira has
received two NIH R01 awards. One from the
Office of the Director to research C. elegans
as a model for studying genetic control of
microbiota structure and function, and the
other from the NIA on age-dependent changes
in gut microbiota composition and their
significance for host aging.

Professor of the Graduate School Mimi Koehl
was elected Fellow of the American Physical
Society. This fellowship is a distinct honor
signifying recognition by one’s professional
peers for making advances in physics or
significant innovative contributions in the
application of physics to science through
original research and publication.


Professor Michael Nachman was awarded a
$1.5M NIH grant in September 2018 to study
the genomic basis of environmental
adaptation in house mice.






Professors Rauri Bowie, Jim McGuire, and Robert Dudley have
received a 5-year NSF Dimensions grant to study convergent
evolution of nectarivory and its association with high-altitude
adaptation in hummingbirds and sunbirds.



Alison Feder (Hallatschek/Slatkin labs) was
named the winner of the first Milner Prize
from the Milner Centre for Evolution for her
work on the evolution of infectious pathogens
as they change within their hosts. Her work
attempts to understand how populations adapt
to overcome new and complex challenges.
Robert Skelton (Ackerly/Dawson labs) is a lead
for the France-Berkeley Fund international
collaboration between the Dawson Lab (UCB)
and Delzon Lab (University of Bordeaux) to
further understand plant physiological
mechanisms and to give emerging researchers
and scientists exposure to new technology and
theoretical advances.


Mattina Alonge (Bentley lab) is a recipient
of a White Mountain Research Center
Minigrant to support her fieldwork, focused
on the interaction of reproduction and
hibernation on energy use in female
Townsend’s big eared bats of the Eastern
Sierras and White Mountains.


Jenna Ekwealor (Mishler lab) received a
Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student
Research Grant from the UC Natural Reserve
System to support her research on desert
mosses at Sweeney Granite Mountains
Desert Research Center.
Shannon O’Brien (Lacey lab) received a Ford
Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship from the
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine.
Congratulations to the Outstanding Graduate Student 
Instructor (OGSI) Award recipients
 (below) who are 
honored for their outstanding work in the teaching
of undergraduates! 
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