Insight SP18 IB Alumni Where Are They Now

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IB Alumni Where are the now?

Yair Chaver (BA 2000) worked as a wildlife biologist before becoming a coastal program analyst with the California Coastal Commission and practicing environmental law.

Janet Brandi Dobbs (BA 1973) has been a teacher for 29 years and is currently teaching science in Pleasanton, CA to elementary school students.

Asal Fathian (BA 2003) is currently a perinatologist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Physicians/Maternal Fetal Medicine in Oakland.

Teresa Feo (BA 2007) has joined the Senate Office of Research as a science and technology policy fellow to explore a year of public service and government leadership training.

Abbas Hasnain (BA 2004) is a physician specializing in internal View of VLSB atrium from abovemedicine in Porterville, CA.

Soumya Karlamangla (BA 2013) is now a public health reporter at the Los Angeles Times.

Brendon Kyle Luvisa (BA 2014) is now in medical school at Georgetown University School of Medicine with plans to become a surgeon.

Jacqueline Meijer-Irons (BA 1997) is currently working as a research scientist at the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Rebecca Moon (BA 2015) is currently working as a research associate at UCSF, conducting pulmonary research.

Patricia Nguyen (BA 2011) is now a third-year dental student at Western University of Health Sciences.

James F. Parham (PhD 2003) is an assistant professor in Cal State Fullerton’s Department of Geological Sciences and is faculty curator of paleontology of the John D. Cooper Center.

Genevieve Ryan (BA 2012) is currently a PhD candidate in biomedical sciences at UC San Diego, studying reproductive neuroendocrinology in Pamela Mellon’s lab.

Paris Salar (BA 2007) went on to pursue a career in pharmacy after studying at the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy.

W. Brian Simison (PhD 2000) has been the curator and the director of the Center for Comparative Genomics at the California Academy of Sciences since 2007.

Scott Smiley (BA 1979) was a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks for 23 years and is now an assembly member for the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly.

Neil Zhang (BA 2011) is currently a fourth-year medical student at UCSF.


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