My former grad student, Emily Dangremond, and I have just completed a review entitled "On the responses of mangrove trophic interactions to clmate change." This is an update of W.P. Sousa, E.M. Dangremond, 6.04 - Trophic Interactions in Coastal and Estuarine Mangrove Forest Ecosystems, Editor(s): Eric Wolanski, Donald McLusky, Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Academic Press, 2011, Pages 43–93, ISBN & 780080878850,, which was published in the first edition of the treatiise. This new review examines ongoing and predicted impacts of changing climate variables on trophic interactions in mangrove ecosystems. We focus on five components of climate change that are expected to impact mangrove forests and associated trophic interactions: elevated atmospheric CO2, rising global temperature, sea level rise, changes in rainfall, and increasing storm intensity.
Publication of the 2nd edition of the treatise, including our chapter, is planned for January 2024. In the meantime, a PDF of the chapter is currently published online as a stand-alone chapter in the Elsevier Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.(Sousa & Dangremond 2023).