Kenwyn Blakeslee SuttleDepartment of Earth and Planetary Science |
Selected Publications (Okay, all of 'em) Suttle, K.B., M. Thomsen, & M. Power. 2007. Species interactions reverse grassland responses to changing climate. Science 315:640 - 642. (Science Perspectives, 315: 606-7)
Rosling, A., E. Johansson, K.B. Suttle, P.A.W. van Hees, & J.F. Banfield. 2007. Soil fungal dissolution of Apatite in response to phosphorus and calcium availability. Geobiology (in press) Suttle, K.B. & M.S. Hoddle. 2006. Engineering enemy-free space: an invasive pest that kills its predators. Biological Invasions 8: 639-649. (featured in Science News 169:221)   PDF Thomsen, M., C. D.Antonio, K.B. Suttle, and W.P. Sousa. 2006. Ecological resistance, seed density, and their interactions determine patterns of invasion in a California coastal grassland. Ecology Letters 9:160-170.PDF Suttle, K.B., M.E. Power, J.M. Levine, and C. McNeely. 2004. How fine sediment in riverbeds impairs growth and survival of juvenile salmonids. Ecological Applications 14: 969- 974. PDF Suttle, K.B. 2003. Pollinators as mediators of top-down effects on plants. Ecology Letters 6: 688-694. PDF Suttle, K.B. 2003. Burrow use in a northern California population of the wolf spider Schizocosa mccooki (Araneae, Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 33: 433-436. PDF Schmitz, O.J. and K.B. Suttle. 2001. Effect of top predator species on direct and indirect interactions in a food web. Ecology 82: 2072-2081. PDF Clark, T.W., A Harvey, K.B. Suttle, and S.A. Primm. 1999. Management of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative. 92 pp. |
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