News reports about our lab's research
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Science Advances extinctions paper recognized as:
#3 most popular academic paper of 2015 by Altmetric
#15 in the top 100 scientific stories listed by Discover Magazine
#1 in page views and altmetrics for Science Advances.
A sampling of press from the Anthropocene Working Group’s paper in Science, which was reported in by media all over the world.
New York Times: Signs of the ‘Human Age’
Washington Post: Scientists say humans have now brought on an entirely new geologic epoch
The Guardian: Human impact has pushed Earth into the Anthropocene, scientists say
The Weather Channel: Anthropocene Epoch: How Humans' Impact on Earth Will Change Geology Forever
Bloomberg: Welcome to the Anthropocene: Five Signs Earth Is in a Man-Made Epoch
International Business Times: Earth enters a new chapter of its history, as the Anthropocene epoch is linked to human activity
CBC News: A new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, has begun, scientists say
The Hindu: Humans push Earth to another epoch
San Francisco Chronicle: Big animals’ extinction forever alters environment, study shows
University of California News: Dire climate forecast inspires upbeat film for a warmer ‘Tomorrow’
Los Angeles Times: Meet Jerry Brown's team of science advisors
News Hub: Why you should read End Game
Sound Cloud: Podcast about End Game
SCV News: Brown Talks Climate Change Against Backdrop of Extinction
A few representative articles on our Science Advances paper on mass extinction, which was reported by hundreds of news outlets worldwide:
U.S. News and World Report: 75 Percent of Animal Species to Be Wiped Out in ‘Sixth Mass Extinction
CNN: A new mass extinction could be underway, researchers say
Los Angeles Times: Earth is on track for a mass extinction, and humans are to blame, study says
San Francisco Chronicle: 6th mass extinction under way may put humans at risk, study shows
The Guardian: The Earth stands on the brink of its sixth mass extinction and the fault is ours
Discovery News: Animals Dying Off in Current Mass Extinction
Slate: The Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction is Here—and Humans are to Blame
Woman’s Day: The Biggest Extinction Since the Dinosaurs Were Wiped Out Could Be Underway
Daily Californian: Study identifies 6th mass extinction event, lists human activity as primary cause
Anthropocene News:
Nature News: First atomic blast proposed as start of Anthropocene
Nature News Feature: Hello Governor
UC Berkeley News Center: Dodging a Sixth Mass Extinction
Bloomberg News: Animal Extinctions From Climate Rival End of Dinosaurs
Washington Post: Our Planet May Be on the Verge of the Sixth Mass Extinction
New Scientist: How We Can Avert the Coming Mass Extinction
LiveScience: Mass Extinctions, What Humans Can Learn From the Past
Variety: TV Review, Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink
Bay Nature: Not Doomed (Yet): A Q&A With Extinction Experts Anthony Barnosky and Elizabeth Hadly
Time Magazine: Scientific Panel: Global Warming Threatens Society, Warning System Needed
New York Times: Panel Says Global Warming Carries Risk of Deep Changes
New York Times Dot Earth: An Update on Risks of Abrupt Jolts from Global Warming
The Sydney Morning Herald: Better warning signals needed to anticipate abrupt climate change
USA Today: How fast is the Earth's climate actually changing?
National Defense Magazine: New Study on Climate Change Raises Stakes for U.S. Military
Climate Central: Gradual Climate Changes Could Cause Sudden Impacts
Voice of America: Gradual Climate Change Can Have Abrupt Impacts
International Business Times: Abrupt Changes To Come Sooner Due To Climate Change Spark Fear
Bloomberg: Sea-Level Rise Too Fast to Reverse Climate Change
Huffington Post: Climate Change's Biggest Threats Are Those We Aren't Ready For
San Francisco Business Times: UC Berkeley researcher warns of 'abrupt' climate change
NPR: Ready — Or Not. Abrupt Climate Changes Worry Scientists Most
UC Berkely News Center: Report warns of climate change ‘tipping points’ within our lifetime
San Francisco Chronicle: Population Growth Increases Climate Fear
Climate Scientist to Politicians: It’s Time to Face the Facts (KQED-Listen or read)
World's Top Scientists: California and nations must act now on environment
KQED California Scientists Sign Consensus: ‘Don’t Ignore Climate Change’
San Francisco Chronicle: Environmental crisis looms, UC, Stanford experts warn
Stanford News: Stanford scientists urge action on global change
Capitol Public Radio: Governor Brown Urges Action On Climate Change
AllGov: 520 Scientists Issue Statement with Solutions to Global Life Support Problems
CBS News (with video clip): Brown Presses Climate Change Crusade At NASA Ames In Mountain View
ABC News (video clip): Gov. Brown keeps pressing climate change crusade
Nature: Getting the word out on biosphere crisis
On the lighter side: "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" (Go to 8:30)
SACRAMENTO PUBLIC RADIO: [also pieces in Bay area KGO, KCBS, Chicago, Seattle, Australia, Pacifica radio network, etc.]
THE ATLANTIC [headline on this one is "I Fear This Will Be the Most Important News of 2012"]
FORBES (features our paper in long piece on RIO summit)
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE [featured on pg. 1 headline, #1 e-mailed and #1 commented on day it ran] [also picked up by Seattle Post-Intelligencer and others]
CLIMATEWIRE (lead story)
Multitude of Species Face Climate Threat New York Times
Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction: Is It Almost Here? National Science Foundation
6th mass extinction looms but preventable, study says MSNBC
Are We in the Middle of a Sixth Mass Extinction? Science
Study offers warning about next potential mass extinction USA Today
Study foresees a rapid and widespread extinction of species The Washington Post
Biologist: Global warming could devastate wildlife Salt Lake Tribune
Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived? UCB News Service
Earth on Track for Epic Die-off. San Francisco Chronicle, December 19, 2009.
Study shows loss of 15-42% of mammals in North America. UC Berkeley News Center, December 18, 2009.
Palaeontology and conservation: Avoiding the heffalump trap. As the climate warms, conservationists might consider looking to the past to protect the futureThe Economist, October 1, 2009
Moving Targets--How do you save the wilderness when it’s changing before your eyes? Terrain Magazine, Fall, 2009
En 100 años habrá 2°C más en la Tierra y eso pondría en peligro a la naturaleza, Clarín (Buenos Aires, Argentina), August 12, 2009
In face of global warming, can wilderness remain natural? UC Berkeley News Center, April 13, 2009 (Also carried by The Berkleyan)
Wildlife, Water, Energy Issues to be Examined at Annual Fish and Wildlife Meeting. Fish and Game, June 29, 2009
What Humans Might Learn from Marmots and Pikas, The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media, June 4, 2009
Previous Eras of Warming Hold Warnings for Our Age, Yale e360, May 20, 2009
It's Nature's Law: When People Arrive, Animals Vanish, McClatchy News Service, May 19, 2009
Will Climate Change End Wilderness? Discovery Channel, Discovery Earth, hosted by Larry O'Hanlon, June 8, 2009
Bailing out nature: How to keep nature solvent as global warming drains its reserves. Wilderness Watch Newsletter, December 2009.
Sunday Forum / Introducing ... the pizzly bear. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, op-ed, September 13, 2009.
It's up to all of us to save our parks from heatstroke. Seattle-Tacoma News Tribune, op-ed, April 28, 2009
Readers' Forum: New breed of bear cause for concern.Oakland Tribune / Contra Costa Times op-ed, May 30, 2009
2007 Audio and Video from presentation at the National Academy of Sciences Sackler Symposium: Climate Change, People, and Diversity Loss-Glimpsing the Future through Quaternary Mammal Extinctions
Read the details in PNAS 105 (Supp. 1): 11543-11548 (2008).
Climate change & evolution, Bioscience, NRDC OnEarth Magazine, ScienceMatters@Berkeley
Berkeley Science Review, PLoS Biology - Space Matters, MIOMAP was reported in Science's Netwatch in 2005
Earth & Sky mp3, California Alumni Magazine, New Scientist, Daily Californian 1, Daily Californian 2
Our study of potential effects of global warming on evolution was reported on international news websites and published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 270:2585-2590 (2003). Representive link: Innovations Report, UC Berkeley News
Our article on Pleistocene extinctions (Science 306:70, Oct. 1, 2004) was covered in more than 60 newspapers and news websites worldwide. Representative links: CBS, Science Daily, Washington Post, our local Contra Costa Times