Read the 'Meet the IB Faculty' Profile Research Publications Teaching

B.A. Colorado College (1974), Geology
M.Sc. (1980) and Ph.D. (1983), University of Washington, Geological Sciences
Professional Positions
Executive Director, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University (2016-Present)
Professor (Emeritus) at Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley (2016-Present)
Professor at Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley (1990-2016; began as Associate Professor)
Curator at Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley (1990-2016; began as Associate Curator)
Research Paleontologist at Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley (1990-2016)
Visiting Professor, Department of Ecology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (2007-2008)
Director of MSU Mountain Research Center, Professor of Earth Sciences, Professor of Biology, at Montana State University (1994 - 1998)
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Services, UC Berkeley (1993-94)
Assistant then Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at The Carnegie Museum of Natural History (1984-1990 )
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences at University of Pittsburgh (1987-1990)
Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland) (1983-84)
Cox Visiting Professor, Stanford University School of Earth Sciences (2012-2013)
Fellow, California Academy of Sciences (1992-Present)
Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellowship (2007)
Chancellor's 'Everyday Hero” Citation for contribution to undergraduate education (2005-2006)
“Protector of Yellowstone National Park" Award for accomplishments in promoting and conducting quality scientific investigations to benefit the future of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (1998)
Numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences, and National Geographic Society.