Craig's Publications
Morgan J.A.T., Vredenburg V.T., Rachowicz L.J., et al. (C. MORITZ). 2007. Population genetics of the frog-killing fungus
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(34): 13845-13850.
Vredenburg, V. T., R. Bingham, R. Knapp, J. A. T. Morgan, C. MORITZ, & D. Wake
(2007): Concordant molecular and phenotypic data delineate new taxonomy and conservation
priorities for the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog. Journal of Zoology 271: 361-374.
Rosenblum E.B., Belfiore N.M., MORITZ C. (2007) Anonymous nuclear markers for the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus.
Molecular Ecology Notes 7(1): 113-116.
Stöck, M., C. MORITZ, M. Hickerson, et al. (2006). Evolution of
mitochondrial relationships & biogeography of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup)
with insights in their genomic plasticity. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 41(3): 663-689.
Kearney, M., M. J. Blacket, J. L. Strasburg & C. MORITZ (2006). Waves of
parthenogenesis in the desert: Evidence for the parallel loss of sex in a grasshopper and
a gecko from Australia. Molecular Ecology 15: 1743-1748.
Ruegg, K. C., R. J. Hijmans, & C. MORITZ (2006). Climate change and the origin
of migratory pathways in the Swainson's Thrush, Catharus ustulatus. Journal of Biogeography 33(7): 1172-1182.
Hickerson, M. J., C. P. Meyer, & C. MORITZ (2006). DNA barcoding
will often fail to discover new animal species over broad parameter space. Systematic Biology 55(5): 729-739.
Nicholls, J. A., J. J. Austin, C. MORITZ, & A. W. Goldizen (2006): Genetic
population structure and call variation in a Passerine bird, the Satin Bowerbird,
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Evolution 60(6): 1279-1290.
Rissler, L. J., R. J. Hijmans, C. H. Graham, C. MORITZ & D. B.
Wake (2006). Phylogeographic lineages and species comparisons in conservation analyses:
A case study of California herpetofauna. The American Naturalist 167(5): 655-666.
Elith, J., C. H. Graham, et al. (C. MORITZ) (2006). Novel methods improve
prediction of species' distributions from occurrence data. Ecography 29(2): 129-151.
Dolman, G. & C. MORITZ (2006). A multilocus perspective on refugial isolation
and divergence in Rainforest Skinks (Carlia). Evolution 60(3): 573-582.
Graham, C. H., C. Moritz & S. E. Williams (2006). Habitat history
improves prediction of biodiversity in rainforest fauna. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(3): 632-636.
Dethmers, K. E. M., D. Broderick, C. MORITZ, et al. (2006). The genetic
structure of Australasian green turtles (Chelonia mydas): Exploring the geographical
scale of genetic exchange. Molecular Ecology 15(13): 3931-3946.
Hickerson, M. J., G. Dolman & C. MORITZ (2006). Comparative phylogeographic
summary statistics for testing simultaneous vicariance. Molecular Ecology 15(1): 209-223.
Bermingham, E., C. W. Dick & C. MORITZ Eds. (2005). Tropical Rainforests:
Past, Present & Future. Tropical Rainforests: Past, Present & Future. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago.
MORITZ, C., C. Hoskin, C. H. Graham, A. Hugall & A. Moussalli
(2005). Historical biogeography, diversity & conservation of Australia's tropical rainforest
herpetofauna. Conservation Biology Series (Cambridge): 243-264.
Hoskin, C. J., M. Higgie, K. R. McDonald & C. MORITZ (2005).
Reinforcement drives rapid allopatric speciation. Nature (London) 437(7063): 1353-1356.
Alexandrino, J., S. J. E. Baird, L. Lawson, J. R. Macey,
C. MORITZ & D. B. Wake (2005). Strong selection against hybrids at a hybrid
zone in the Ensatina ring species complex & its evolutionary implications. Evolution 59(6): 1334-1347.
Moussalli, A., A. F. Hugall & C. MORITZ (2005). A mitochondrial
phylogeny of the rainforest skink genus Saproscincus, Wells & Wellington (1984).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34(1): 190-202.
Bermingham, E., C. Dick and C. MORITZ (eds). 2005. Tropical
Rainforests: Past, Present and Future. Univ. Chicago
Press. in press.
Graham, C., C. MORITZ & S. Williams (2004). Determinants of
species richness & turnover across multiple taxa in the wet tropics of Australia.
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 89.
Estoup, A., M. Beaumont, F. Sennedot, C. MORITZ &
J.-M. Cornuet (2004). Genetic analysis of complex demographic scenarios:
Spatially expanding populations of the cane toad, Bufo marinus. Evolution 58(9): 2021-2036.
Graham, C. H., S. Ferrier, F. Huettman, C. MORITZ
& A. T. Peterson (2004). New developments in museum-based
informatics & applications in biodiversity analysis. Trends in
Ecology & Evolution 19(9): 497-503.
Jones, M. E., D. Paetkau, E. Geffen & C. MORITZ (2004)
Genetic diversity & population structure of Tasmanian devils, the
largest marsupial carnivore. Molecular Ecology 13(8): 2197-2209.
Bell, K. L., D. K. Yeates, C. MORITZ and G.B. Monteith.
2004. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the dung beetle
Temnoplectron Westwood (Scaabaeidae: Scarabaeinea) from Australia’s
wet tropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
312: 741-753.
Graham, C., S.R. Ron, C. MORITZ, J.C. Santos and C.J. Schneider.
2004. Integrating phylogenetics and environmental niche models
to explore speciation mechanisms in Dendrobatid frogs. Evolution 58: 1781-1793.
Phillips, B., S.J.E. Baird and C. MORITZ. 2004. When vicars
meet: A narrow contact zone between phylogeographic lineages
of the rainforest skink Carlia rubrigularis. Evolution
587: 1536-1548.
Sumner, J., T. Jessop, D. Paetkau and C. MORITZ. 2004. Limited
effect of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on molecular
diversity in a rainforest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae.
Molecular Ecology 13:259-269.
O’Connor, D. and C. MORITZ. 2003. A molecular phylogeny
of the Australian skink genera Eulamprus, Gnypetoscincus
Nangura. Aust. J. Zool. 51:317-330.
Hugall, A., J. Stanisic and C. MORITZ. 2003. Trans-species
phylogeography of the Sphaerospira lineage and history of
Queensland rainforests: Extinctions and speciation in a biogeographical
context. Pp. 270-301 in The molecular systematics and
of mollusks (C. Lydeard and D. Lindberg, eds). Smithsonian
Institution Press.
Kearney, M., A, Moussalli, J. Strasburg, D. Lindenmayer and
C. MORITZ. 2003. Geographic parthenogenesis in the Australian
arid zone: I. A climatic analysis of the Heteronotia binoei
complex (Gekkonidae). Evol. Ecol. Res. 5:953-976.
McGuigan, K., C.E. Franklin, C. MORITZ and M. Blows. 2003.
Adaptation of rainbow fish to lake and stream habitats.
Evolution 57:104-118.
Clegg, S.M., S.M. Degnan, C. MORITZ, A. Estoup, J. Kikkawa
and I.P.F. Owens. 2002. Microevolution in island forms:
roles of drift and directional selection in morphological
divergence of a passerine bird. Evolution 56:2090-2099.
Clegg, S., S.M. Degnan, J. Kikkawa, C. MORITZ, A. Estoup
and I.P.F. Owens. 2002. Genetic consequences of sequential
founding events by an island colonizing bird. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci (USA), 99: 8127-32.
Hugall, A., C. MORITZ, A. Moussalli and. J. Stanisic. 2002.
Reconciling paleodistribution models and comparative phylogeography
in the wey tropics rainforest land snail Gnarosophia
bellendenkerensis. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. (USA) 99:6112-6117.
MORITZ, C., K. McGuigan and L. Bernatchez. 2002. Conservation
of freshwater fishes: integrating evolution and genetics with
ecology. Pp. 293-310, in Freshwater Fish Conservation.
Options for the future. Eds. M.J. Collares-Pereira and M. Coelho.
MORITZ, C. 2002. Strategies to protect biological diversity
and the processes that sustain it. Systematic Biology 51:238-254.
Stuart-Fox, D.M., A. Hugall and C. MORITZ. 2002. A molecular
phylogeny of rainbowskinks (Scincidae: Carlia): taxonomic
and biogeographic implications. Aust. J. Zool. 50:39-51.
Estoup, A., I.J. Wilson, C. Sullivan, J.-M. Cornuet and C.
MORITZ. 2001. Inferring population history from microsatellite
and enzyme data in serially introduced cane toads, Bufo
marinus. Genetics 159:1671-1687.
MORITZ, C., K.S. Richardson, S. Ferrier, G.B. Monteith,
J. Stanisic, S.E. Williams and T. Whiffin. 2001. Biogeographic
concordance and efficiency of taxon indicators for establishing
conservation priority in a tropical rainforest biota. Proc.
R. Soc. Lond. B. 268, 1875-1881.
Pope, L. D. Storch, M. Adams, C. MORITZ and G. Gordon. 2001.
A phylogeny for the genus Isoodon and a range expansion
I. Obesulus peninsulae based on mtDNA control region
and morphology. Aust. J. Zool. 49:1-24.
Schauble, C.S. and C. MORITZ. 2001. Comparative phylogeography
of two open forest frogs from eastern Australia. Biol.
J. Linn. Soc. 74:157-170.
Stuart-Fox, D., C.J. Schneider, C. MORITZ & P.J. Couper.
2001. Comparative phylogeography of three rainforest restricted
lizards from mideast Queensland. Aust. J. Zool. 49, 119-127.
Sumner, J., F. Rousset, A. Estoup and C. MORITZ. 2001. “Neighbourhood”
size, dispersal and density estimates in the prickly forest
skink (Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae) using individual
genetic and demographic methods. Molecular Ecology 10:1917-1927.
Vazquez-Doniminguez, E., D. Paetkau, N. tucker, G. Hinten
and C. MORITZ. 2001. Resolution of natural groups using iterative
assignment tests: an example from two species of Australian
native rats (Rattus). Molecular Ecology 10:2069-2078.
James, C.H. and C. MORITZ. 2000. Intraspecific phylogeography
in the sedge frog Litoria fallax (Hylidae) indicates
pre-Pleistocene vicariance in an open-forest species from
eastern Australia.
Molecular Ecology 9:349-358.
LeBlois, R., F. Rousset, D. Tikel, C. MORITZ and A. Estoup.
2000. Absence of evidence for isolation by distance in an
expanding cane toad (Bufo marinus) population: an individual-based
analysis of microsatellite genotypes. Mol. Ecol. 9:1905-1911.
McGuigan, K., D. Zhu, G.R. Allen and C. MORITZ. 2000. Phylogenetic
relationships and historical biogeography of melanotaeniid
fishes in Australia and New Guinea. Mar. Freshwater Res. 51:
MORITZ, C., J.L. Patton, C.J. Schneider and T.B. Smith. 2000.
Diversification of rainforest faunas: An integrated molecular
approach. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 31:533-563.
Pope, L.C., A. Estoup and C. MORITZ. 2000. Phylogeography
and population structure of the ecotonal marsupial, Bettongia
tropica, determined using mtDNA and microsatellites. Molecular
Ecology 9:2041-2054.
Schauble, C.S., C. MORITZ and R..W. Slade. 2000. A molecular
phylogeny for the frog genus Limnodynastes (Anura: Myobatrachidae).
Mol. Phyl. Evol. 16:379-391.
Tikel, D., D. Paetkau, M.N. Cortinas, R. LeBlois, C. MORITZ
and A. Estoup. 2000. Polymerase chain reaction primers for
polymorphic microsatellite loci in the invasive toad species,
Bufo marinus. Mol. Ecol. 9:1927-1929.
Degnan, S.M., B.C. Robertson, S.M. Clegg and C. MORITZ.
1999. Microsatellite primers for studies of gene flow and
systems in white-eyes (Zosterops). Molecular Ecology
Donnellan, S.D., K. McGuigan, R. Knowles, M. Mahony and
C. MORITZ. 1999. Genetic evidence for species boundaries
in frogs
of the Litoria citropa species group. Australian
Journal of Zoology 47:275-293.
Fumagalli, L., C. MORITZ, P. Taberlet and J.A. Friend. 1999.
Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within the remnant
of the endangered numbat (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae: Myrmecobius
fasciatus). Molecular Ecology 8: 1545-1549.
Hugall, A., J. Stanton and C. MORITZ. 1999. Reticulate evolution
and the origins of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer diversity
in apomictic Meloidogyne. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 157-164.
MORITZ, C. 1999. Conservation units and translocations:
strategies for conserving evolutionary processes. Hereditas 130:217-228.
MORITZ, C. 1999. A molecular perspective on the conservation
of diversity. Pp. 21-34 in Biology of Biodiversity, ed. M.
Kato, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo.
Kelemen, L. and C. MORITZ 1999 Comparative phylogeography
and relationships of a sibling pair of rainforest Drosophila
species (Drosophila serrata and D. birchii). Evolution 53:1306-1311.
Schneider, C.J.S. and C. MORITZ. 1999 Refugial isolation
and evolution in Australia's wet tropics rainforests. Proc.
R. Soc. Lond. B266 : 191-196.
Schneider,, C.J., T.B. Smith, B. Larison and C. MORITZ 1999.
A test of alternative models of diversification in tropical
rainforests: ecological gradients versus rainforest refugia.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96:13869-13873.
Sumner, J., C. MORITZ and R. Shine. 1999. Shrinking forests
shrink skinks: morphological change in response to rainforest
fragmentation in the prickly forest skink (Gnypetoscincus
queenslandiae). Biological Conservation 91:159-167.
Worthington-Wilmer, J., L. Hall, E. Barratt and C. MORITZ
1999. Genetic structure and male-mediated gene flow in the
ghost bat (Macroderma gigas). Evolution 53:1582-91.
Bermingham, E. and C. MORITZ. 1998. Comparative phylogeography:
concepts and applications. Molecular Ecology 7:367-369.
Clegg, S.M., P. Hale and C. MORITZ. 1998. Molecular population
genetics of the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus): mtDNA variation.
Molecular Ecology 7:679-687.
Cunningham, M. and C. MORITZ. 1998. Genetic effects of forest
fragmentation on a rainforest restricted lizard (Scincidae:
Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae). Biological Conservation 83:19-30.
Fairbairn, J., R. Shine and C. MORITZ. 1998. A case history
of the evolution of viviparity: intraspecific phylogeny of
a reproductively bimodal lizard (Lerista bougainvillii, Scincidae).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 10:95-103.
McGuigan, K., K. McDonald, K. Parris and C. MORITZ. 1998.
Mitochondrial DNA diversity and historical biogeography
a wet forest restricted frog (Litoria pearsoniana)
from mid-east Australia. Molecular Ecology 7:175-196.
MORITZ, C. and D. Faith. 1998. Comparative phylogeography
and the identification of genetically divergent areas for
conservation. Molecular Ecology 7:419-429.
Pope, L., A. Sharp and C. MORITZ. 1998. Genetic diversity
and distinctiveness of the yellow-footed rock wallaby, Petrogale
xanthopus in New south Wales. Pacific Conservation
Biology 4: 164-169.
Schneider, C.J.S., M. Cunningham, and C. MORITZ. 1998. Comparative
phylogeography and the history of vertebrates in the wet tropics
rainforests of Australia. Molecular Ecology 7:487-498.
Slade, R. and C. MORITZ. 1998. Phylogeography of Bufo
marinus from its natural and introduced
range. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 265:769-777.
Slade, R., C. MORITZ, R. Hoelzal and H.R. Burton. 1998. The
molecular population genetics of the southern elephant seal.
Genetics 149:1945-1957.
Zhu, D., S. Degnan and C. MORITZ. 1998. Evolutionary distinctiveness
and status of the endangered Lake Eacham rainbowfish (Melanotaenia
eachamensis). Conservation Biology 12:80-93.
FitzSimmons, N., C.J. Limpus, J.A. Norman, A.R. Goldizen,
J.D. Miller and C. MORITZ. 1997. Philopatry of male marine
turtles inferred from mitochondrial DNA markers. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 94:8912-17.
FitzSimmons, N. C. MORITZ, C.J. Limpus, L. Pope and R. Prince.
1997. Geographic structure of mitochondrial and nuclear
polymorphisms in Australian green turtle populations and
male-biased gene flow. Genetics 147:1843-1854.
Fumagalli, L., L.C. Pope, P. Taberlet and C. MORITZ. 1997.
Versatile primers for the amplification of the mitochondrial
control region in marsupials. Molecular Ecology 6:1199-1201.
Hugall, A., J. Stanton and C. MORITZ 1997. Evolution of
the AT rich mitochondrial DNA of the root knot nematode Meloidogyne
hapla. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14:40-48.
MORITZ, C., A. Heideman, E. Geffen, and P. McRae. 1997. Genetic
population structure of the Greater Bilby, Macrotis lagostis, a marsupial in decline. Molecular
Ecology 6:925-936.
MORITZ, C., L. Joseph, M. Cunningham and C. Schneider. 1997.
Molecular perspectives on historical fragmentation of Australian
tropical and subtropical rainforest: implications for conservation.
Pp. 442-454 in Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, management
and conservation of fragmented communities. (ed. by
W.F. Laurance and R. O. Bierregaard). Chicago Univ. Press.
Stanton, J., A. Hugall and C.MORITZ.1997. Nucleotide polymorphisms
and an improved PCR-based mtDNA diagnostic for parthenogenetic
root-knot nematodes (Meldoidogyne). Fund. Appl. Nematol. 20:261-268.
Hillis, D.M., C. MORITZ and B. Mable (eds). 1996. Molecular
Systematics 2nd. ed., Sinauer Assoc., Sunderland, MA.
Lavery, S., C. MORITZ, and D.R. Fielder. 1996. Indo-Pacific
population structure and evolutionary history of the coconut
crab (Birgus latro). Molecular Ecology 5: 557-570.
Lavery, S., C. MORITZ, and D.R. Fielder. 1996. Genetic patterns
suggest exponential population growth in a declining species.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 13:1106-1113.
MORITZ, C. and S.Lavery. 1996. Molecular ecology: Contributions
from molecular genetics to population ecology. Pp. 433-450
in Frontiers of Population Ecology (eds. by R.B. Floyd, A.W.
Sheppard and P.J. De Barro). CSIRO, Melbourne.
MORITZ, C., J. Worthington-Wilmer, L. Pope, W.B. Sherwin,
A.C. Taylor and C.J. Limpus. 1996. Applications of genetics
to the conservation and management of Australian fauna: four
case studies from Queensland. Pp.442-456 in Molecular
Genetic Approaches in Conservation (ed. by T. B. Smith and R. K. Wayne),
Oxford Univ. Press.
Pope, L.C., A. Sharp and C. MORITZ. 1996. Population structure
fo the yellow-footed roack wallaby Petrogale xanthopus (Gray,
1854) inferred from mtDNA sequences and microsatellites.
Ecology 5:629-640.
Donnellan, S., and MORITZ, C. 1995. Genetic diversity of
bisexual and parthenogenetic populations of the tropical
Nactus arnouxii. Herpetologica 51:140-154.
Fitzsimmons, N.N., C. MORITZ and S. S. Moore. 1995 Conservation
and dynamics of microsatellite loci over 300 million years
of marine turtle evolution. Molec. Biol. Evol. 12, 432-440.
Lavery, S., C. MORITZ and D.R. Fielder. 1995. Changing patterns
of population structure and gene flow at different spatial
scales in the coconut crab, (Birgus latro). Heredity 74, 531-541.
Joseph, L., C. MORITZ and A. Hugall. 1995. Molecular data
support vicariance as a source of diversity in rainforests.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond B. 260, 177-182.
MORITZ, C. 1995. Uses of molecular phylogenies for conservation.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 349: 113-118.
MORITZ, C. 1995. Genetics and the conservation of fauna in
Queensland. pp.111-120 in Queensland: the State of Science, edited by R.W. Johnson and C. R. King, Roy. Soc. Qld.
MORITZ, C., S. Lavery and R. Slade. 1995. Using allele frequency
and phylogeny to define units for conservation and management.
American Fisheries Society Symposium 17:249-262.
Radtke, R., R. Fisher, S. Donnellan, C. MORITZ and T. Case.
1995. When species collide: the origin and spread of an
species of gecko. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 258:
Broderick, D., C. MORITZ, J.D. Miller, M. Guinea, R.I.T.
Prince and C.J. Limpus. 1994. Genetic studies of the hawksbill
turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata): evidence for multiple
stocks in Australian waters. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 123-131.
Hugall, A., C. MORITZ, J. Stanton and D.R. Wolstenholme.
1994. Low, but strongly structured mitochondrial DNA diversity
in root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne). Genetics 136: 903-912.
Joseph, L. and C. MORITZ. 1994. Mitochondrial phylogeography
of birds from eastern Australian rainforests: first fragments.
Aust. J. Zool. 42:385-403.
MORITZ, C. 1994. Applications of mitochondrial DNA in conservation:
a critical review. Molecular Ecology 3:403-413.
MORITZ, C. 1994. Defining “Evolutionarily Significant
Units” for conservation. Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 9:373-375.
MORITZ, C. and J. Kikkawa (eds.). 1994. Conservation
Biology in Australia and Oceania, Surrey Beatty & Sons., Sydney.
Norman, J., C. MORITZ and C.J. Limpus. 1994. Mitochondrial
DNA control region polymorphisms: genetic markers for ecological
studies of marine turtles. Molecular Ecology 3:363-373.
Norman, J., MORITZ, C., Limpus, C., and Prince, R. 1994.
Population genetics as a tool for managing marine turtle
Pp. 101-117 in Proceedings of the Workshop on Marine
Turtle Conservation, Brisbane, Qld., Australian Nature Conservation
Slade, R.W., C. MORITZ and A. Heideman. 1994. Multiple nuclear
gene phylogenies: application to pinnipeds and comparison
with a mtDNA gene phylogeny. Mol. Biol. Evol 11:341-356.
Stanton, D.J., L.L. Daehler, C. MORITZ, and W.M. Brown. 1994.
Potential stem-and-loop structures are associated with coding-region
duplications in animal mitochondrial DNA. Genetics 137: 233-241.
Worthington-Wilmer, J., C. MORITZ, L. Hall and J. Toop. 1994.
Extreme population structuring in the threatened Ghost Bat
Macroderma gigas: evidence from mitochondrial DNA. Proc.
Roy. Soc. Lond.,B 257:193-198.
Zhu, D., B.G.M. Jamieson, A. Hugall and C. MORITZ. 1994.
Sequence evolution and phylogenetic signal in control region
and cytochrome b sequences of rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae).
Mol. Biol. Evol. 11: 672-683.
Couper, P., J.A. Covacevich and C. MORITZ. 1993. A review
of the leaf-tailed geckos endemic to eastern Australia: a
new genus, four new species and other new data. Mem.
Qld. Museum 34: 95-124.
Joseph, L. and C. MORITZ. 1993 Phylogeny and historical
aspects of the ecology of eastern Australian scrubwrens:
from mitochondrial DNA. Molec. Ecol. 2: 161-170.
Joseph, L., C. MORITZ, and A. Hugall. 1993. A mitochondrial
DNA perspective on the historical biogeography of mideastern
Queensland rainforest birds. Mem. Qld. Museum 34: 201-214.
Joseph, L. and C. MORITZ. 1993 Hybridization between the
white-browed and atherton scrub-wrens: Detection with mitochondrial
DNA. Emu 93: 93-99.
MORITZ, C. 1993. The origin and evolution of parthenogenesis
in Heteronotia binoei (Gekkonidae): Synthesis. Genetica 90:
MORITZ, C., Case, T.J., Bolger, D.T., and Donnellan, S. 1993.
Genetic diversity and the history of some Pacific island house
geckos (Hemidactylus and Lepidodactylus). Biol. J. Linn.
Soc. 48:113-133.
MORITZ, C, and A. Heideman. 1993. The origin and evolution
of parthenogenesis in Heteronotia binoei (Gekkonidae): Reciprocal
origins and diverse mitochondrial DNA in western populations.
Syst. Biol. 42: 293-306.
MORITZ, C., L. Joseph, and M. Adams. 1993. Cryptic diversity
in an endemic rainforest skink (Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae).
Biodiv. Conserv. 2: 412-425.
Slade, R.W., C. MORITZ, A. Heideman, and P.T. Hale. 1993.
Rapid assessment of single copy nuclear DNA variation in
species. Molec. Ecol. 2: 359-373.
Worthington-Wilmer, J., A. Melzer, F. Carrick and C. MORITZ.
1993. Low genetic diversity and inbreeding depression in Queensland
koalas. Wildl. Res. 20: 177-188.
Degnan, S.M., and MORITZ, C. 1992. Phylogeography of mitochondrial
DNA in two species of white-eye in Australia. Auk 109:800-811.
MORITZ, C. 1992. The population biology of Gehyra (Gekkonidae).
III. Patterns of microgeographic variation. J. Evol.
Biol. 5:661-676.
MORITZ, C., Densmore, L., Wright, J., and Brown, W. 1992.
Molecular evidence for constraints on the origin and evolution
of parthenogenetic whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus). Evolution 46: 184-192.
MORITZ, C., Schneider, C.J., and Wake, D.B. 1992. Evolutionary
relationships within the Ensatina eschscholtzii complex confirm
the ring species interpretation. Syst. Biol. 41:273-291.
MORITZ, C., Uzzell, T., Spolsky, C., Hotz, H., Darevsky,
I, Kupriyanova, L., and Danielyan, F. 1992. The maternal
and approximate age of parthenogenetic species of Caucasian
rock lizards (Lacerta: Lacertidae). Genetica 87:53-62.
MORITZ, C., Wright, J.W., Singh, V., and Brown, W.M. 1992.
Mitochondrial DNAS analysis and the origin and relative age
of parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus. V. The cozumela species
group. Herpetologica 48:417-424.
Stanton, J.M., O’Brien, P.C., Shipke, L.G., Hugall,
A. and MORITZ, C. 1992. Species of root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne
spp.) affecting tobacco in north Queensland, including two
new races of M. arenaria. Aust. Plant. Pathol. 21:150-157.
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