Twice during the semester your lab group will present the results of their independent investigations to the rest of the lab section. The symposia will follow the format of a scientific meeting in most respects. Just as for a scientific meeting, your group will submit a title and abstract in advance to be included in the program, prepare and rehearse a talk, and use presentation software to create a slide show, including photos, graphs, and word slides, to support the talk. During lab the week before the first symposium, your instructor will provide tips on preparing and delivering a talk, present a model talk, and help you organize your presentation and use software to manipulate graphics and create slides. At the symposium, you will project your slides on the screen with a video projector. Normally, all members of the group will participate in delivering the talk. The talk should last no more than 10 minutes, with a 3-minute period afterwards for questions from the other members of the class.
Model Presentation
View the slide show of a presentation delivered by U.C. Berkeleyundergraduate Chris Hamerski on his research in the lab of Professor Rodger Kram. This talk won the Outstanding Presentation Award at the April 1999 meeting of the Southern California Conference on Biomechanics!
Useful Links
Effective Presentations web site by Jeff Radel, Kansas University Medical Center