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Dept. of Integrative Biology, 3060 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, ph: (510) 642-5318, e-mail:

A. Professional Preparation

  • Research Associate, 1999-present, Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
  • Ph.D., 1999, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York
  • M.Phil., 1997, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York
  • M.A., 1995, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York
  • B.A. with honors and highest distinction in general scholarship, 1993, Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley

B. Appointments

  • Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley, 1999-2001, 2003-present
  • Part-time Faculty, Contra Costa College, 2005-present
  • NSF Minority Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 2001-2002
  • Part-time Faculty, Laney College, 1999-2000
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Natural Sciences, Baruch College, City University of New York, 1995-97
  • Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, 1994
  • Assistant Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1992
  • Employee, Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1992-93

C. Publications

Barnosky, A. D., M. A. Carrasco, and E. B. Davis. 2005. The impact of the species-area relationship on estimates of paleodiversity.  PloS Biology 3(8):1356-1361.

Carrasco, M. A., B. P. Kraatz, E. B. Davis, and A. D. Barnosky. 2005. Miocene Mammal Mapping Project (MIOMAP).  University of California Museum of Paleontology

Carrasco, M. A. 2004. Assessing statistical techniques for detecting multispecies samples of heteromyids in the fossil record: a test using extant Dipodomys.  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Festschrift for Malcolm C. McKenna 285: 120-129.

Barnosky, A. D., M. H. Kaplan, and M. A. Carrasco. 2004. Assessing the effect of middle Pleistocene climate change on Marmota populations from the Pit Locality.  In A. D. Barnosky (editor), Biodiversity Response to Climate Change in the Middle Pleistocene: The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado : 332-340.  Berkeley : University of California Press.

Barnosky, A. D. and M. A. Carrasco. 2002. Effects of Oligo-Miocene global climate changes on mammalian species richness in the northwestern quarter of the USA. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:811-841.

Carrasco, M. A. 2000. Variation in the dentition of kangaroo rats (genus Dipodomys) and its implications for the fossil record. The Southwestern Naturalist 45(4):490-507.

Carrasco, M. A. 2000. Species discrimination and morphological relationships of kangaroo rats (genus Dipodomys) based on their dentition. Journal of Mammalogy 81(1):107-122.

Carrasco, M. A., and J. H. Wahlert. 1999. The cranial anatomy of Cricetops dormitor, an Oligocene fossil rodent from Mongolia. American Museum Novitates 3275:1-14.

Carrasco, M. A. 1999. Morphological variation in the dentition of kangaroo rats (genus Dipodomys) and its use in distinguishing species in the fossil record. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, xi + 305pp.

Carrasco, M. A. 1998. Variation and its implications in a population of Cupidinimus (Heteromyidae) from Hepburn's Mesa, Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(2): 391-402.

D. Selected Published Abstracts

Carrasco, M. A., Barnosky, A. D., and E. B. Davis. 2005. Correcting for the species-area effect when estimating paleodiversity. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 37(7):461.

Carrasco, M. A., A. D. Barnosky, E. B. Davis, and B. P. Kraatz. 2004. Miocene mammal mapping project (MIOMAP): an online relational and spatial database of Miocene and late Oligocene fossil mammals.  Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 36(5):364.

Carrasco, M. A., and R. S. Feranec. 2003. Effects of climate on mammalian species diversity and community structure during the Tertiary in the northern Great Plains, United States.  Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 35(6):418.

Carrasco, M. A. 2002. Mammalian biogeographic patterns during the early Barstovian (middle Miocene) in the western United States. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of Papers, Supplement 22(3):42A.

Barnosky, A. D. and M. A. Carrasco. 2001. MIOMAP: A relational database for research on evolution, ecology, and biogeography of Miocene mammals. Paleobios, North American Paleontological Convention Program and Abstracts, Supplement 21(2):28.

Carrasco, M. A. and Barnosky, A. D. 2000. MIOMAP: A GIS-linked database to assess the effects of tectonic and climatic changes on mammalian evolution. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 32(7):A-15.

Carrasco, M. A. 1999. An evaluation of statistical techniques used to assess the number of closely-related sympatric species present in a fossil sample. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts for Papers, Supplement 19(3):36A.

Carrasco, M. A. 1997. The taxonomic status of "Eucricetodon" asiaticus with comments on the origins of the Cricetidae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts for Papers, Supplement 17(3):28A.

Carrasco, M. A. 1996. High coefficient of variation in a population of Cupidinimus from Hepburn's Mesa, southwestern Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts for Papers, Supplement 16(3):26A.

E. Miscellaneous Activities

  • Committee on Minorities and Women in the Geosciences, Geological Society of America, 2004-present
  • Organizer and Co-Chair of oral session entitled, “Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities in the Geosciences: Avenues to Success”, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2005
  • Organizer and Co-Chair of oral session entitled, “Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities in the Geosciences: Continuing Problems and Future Solutions”, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2004
  • Panelist in session on “Ethics in the Academy”, Ford Foundation Conference, 2002
  • Co-Chair, Ford Foundation Conference, 2001
  • Planning Committee, Ford Foundation Conference, 2000-2002
  • Host Committee, Annual Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Meetings, 1996
  • Student Consulting Group to the Dean, University of California, Berkeley, 1992-1993
  • Volunteer, Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1992

F. Selected Awards/Honors

  • National Science Foundation Minority Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2001-2002
  • Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 1997-1998
  • American Museum of Natural History Theodore Roosevelt Grant, 1997-1998
  • Sigma Xi, Scientific Honor Society, 1997
  • Faculty Fellowship, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, 1993-1998
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1993-1996
  • Finalist for the University Medal, University of California, Berkeley, 1993
  • Phi Beta Kappa, initiated as a junior, 1992
  • Minority Research Awardee of the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1992
  • Dean's List (7 times), University of California, Berkeley, 1990-1993
  • Alumni Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, 1989-1990, 1992-1993
  • Regent's Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, 1989-1993