Genetic variation II
One more extension of Mendelian genetics
Morgan and Sturtevant – gene linkage
Morgan wanted to distinguish among the evolutionary theories of the
Darwinists, neo-Lamarckists, and Mendelists such as de Vries
Methods – Drosophila genetics
Morgan began working with fruit flies (Drosophila
melanogaster) in 1908 because he wanted a system for genetic analysis in
which he could grow large numbers of individuals in small quarters quickly
Crossed white-eyed mutant male with red-eyed female
F1progeny all red-eyed
What hypotheses can you make about inheritance of eye-color?
How many genes?
Probably 1
How many alleles?
Can’t tell
What allelic effects?
Red allele dominant to white
Crossed the F1 sisters and brothers
F2 progeny
3 red-eyed:1white-eyed
Seems normal –
What hypotheses can we make about inheritance of eye color?
How many genes?
Probably 1
How many alleles? 2
in this cross
What allelic effects?
Red dominant to white
But, noticed something weird
All white-eyed flies were male!
What were ratios of sex and eye color?
Red-eyed flies were 50:50 male but white flies were 100%
What hypotheses can we make about inheritance of eye color?
What would product law predict if sex and eye color were
independently inherited?
Make a Punnett Square
½ red female:0 white female: ¼
red male:¼ white male
Sex and eye color do not follow product law
Thus, hypothesize that they are not inherited
Not independently segregating
Crossed F2 progeny and obtained white-eyed females
Bred them with white-eyed males to produce pure-breeding white-eyed line
Reciprocal cross: crossed
purebreeding white-eyed female with purebreeding red-eyed male
F1 progeny observed
½ red-eyed females : ½ white-eyed males Weird!!!
Recessive trait expressed in males
Crossed F1 siblings with each other
¼ red-eyed female: ¼ white-eyed female: ¼ red-eyed male: ¼
white-eyed male
Sex inherited by modified Mendelian mechanism
Females are XX (homogametic)
Males are XY (heterogametic)
Eye color
Eye color inherited by single gene, two allele system, red dominant to
But, sex and eye color not inherited independently
Eye color is linked to sex
Eye color gene on X chromosome
Males have only one eye color allele
Females have two eye color alleles
Ellen: What about
Called sex linkage
Gene or genes for sex determination are on same chromosome (X) as gene for
eye color
Check out sex-linked inheritance problem set on web:
More linkage
As Morgan and colleagues accumulated more mutants in their fly colony
They quickly discovered that linkage is not unique to X-chromosome
Found many linked traits on autosomes
Autosomes are all chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes
Brown/Red eyes, Thin/Heavy veins
Two traits with genes both linked on same autosome
Predict: assort together
Phenotype frequencies: 1:2:1
Tightly linked
Tightly linked genes act like a single gene
In this case, like a single gene with codominant alleles
But, also found odd ratios
Example, yellow body and white eyes
Crossed yellow-bodied, white-eyed males x brown-bodied, red-eyed females
F1 progeny as expected for sex-linked trait
What phenotypes do you expect?
Crossed F1s to get F2s
What ratios might be expected?
9:3:3:1 if unlinked
But, they knew they were both sex-linked and therefore on same chromosome
Linked to one another
So, expected what outcome?
1:1:1:1 ratio
¼ female yellow, white : ¼ female
brown,red : ¼ male yellow, white : ¼ male brown,red
Most progeny fit that description
But a few did not!
Non-parental types
Further, when Morgan’s group did other crosses, looking at other genes,
they got different rates of non-parental type progeny
Raises questions
What mechanism allowed the linked genes to separate in meiosis?
Why did the rate of separation vary, depending on the traits being studied?
Answer to question 1: what
Morgan knew of cytological work by the Belgian cytologist, F. A. Janssens
In 1909 Janssens published La théorie
de la chiasmatypie
Janssens called his discovery: chiasmatypie.
Nowadays we use the term crossing-over
Contradicted the opinions held at that time about the individuality of
The progeny’s chromosomes differ from their parental chromosomes.
Morgan postulated that the crossing over that Janssens observed created new
chromosomal types in a few gametes
Leading to the non-parental progeny phenotypes
Crossing over between non-sister chromatids in meiosis can break up linked
allelic combinations
Recombination: re-arrangement of DNA
Chromosomal cross-overs are associated with the genetic recombination of
This results from breakage & reunion of homologous DNA molecules
Postulated mechanism
Holliday-Whitehouse Model
Nicking of complementary strands of paired DNA (figure 1)
Strand displacement
RecA protein causes "track jumping" (figure 2)
During branch migration, H-bonds reform between complementary strands
(figure 3)
Heteroduplex formation & rotation
Two double-stranded DNA molecules are covalently joined
Molecular "chiasmata" can be visualized by EM (photo)
Resolution & reunion
Repair (ligation) of nicks forms two new recombinant DNA molecules (figure
FISH of Recombinant chromosomes
Creates new combinations of traits
Important source of genetic variation
Describe recominant and parental progeny
Undetected recombination
Calculating recombinant frequencies
What about the varying frequencies of non-parental types?
Morgan postulated that the distance between genes determined how frequently
they would be separated by crossing-over
Genes close together would separate more frequently
Morgan, T.H. (1911). Random segregation versus coupling
in Mendelian inheritance. Science 34:384
This idea was later applied by Alfred Sturtevant, then an undergraduate in
Morgan's laboratory
Used the frequency of crossovers to generate the first genetic map, a map
of six X-linked genes in Drosophila (Journal of Experimental Zoology 14: 43-59 (1913).
Different kinds of crossovers
Double crossover
Maximum frequency of recombination is 50%
Linkage and recombination
Tightly linked genes assort together
Like a single gene
Crossing over allows alleles to separte
Creating new allelic combinations
Recombinant progeny
Alters phenotype frequencies from expected
Intemediate between frequencies expected for independent assortment and
linked genes
However, max rate of recombinants is 50%
Distance between loci dictates frequency of crossing over between them
Thus, dictates frequency of recombinant progeny
Can use altered phenotype frequencies to map loci
Assume equal rate of crossing over at each point along chromosome
But, this rate is not equal
So, map is not a measure of physical distance along chromosome
Not a physical map, but a linkage map
Can use larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes in Drosophila to map linkage map onto physical map
Polytene chromosomes
One chromosome, stretched out by manipulating photograph
Fine scale mapping of polytene chromosomes
Now can use genome sequencing to produce physical map for other organisms
Extra information: Three-point test
cross for mapping