Responses from David Wake

Question 1.

Name: Group 4, Kellar's Fri. 11:00 Dis
        Rachel, Lisa, Sheila, and Scott
Subject: Constraints 

Do taxa with richer and lenghtier histories necessarily evolve less than 
younger taxa that are less "constrained?"  Does a group become more 
historically constrained as it progresses and evolves or doesn't evolve 
through time for the simple fact that anything that did or didn't happen 
before it directly impact what it is presently.  On a bigger scale, shall 
we expect to see less evolution in all taxa as time progresses as they 
all get temporally further from the earliest unicellular common 

Response to Question 1.  I fear that we might be dealing with taxonomic
artifact.  It is true that some ancient lineages (e.g., lungfish) persist
but do not speciate, whereas other lineages that are far more recent (e.g.,
fishes of the family Cichlidae or Percidae) have speciated greatly.  There
are some basal actinopterygian fishes (the larger clade to which teleost
fishes such as cichlids and percids belong) that also are very poor in
numbers of species (for example, the families to which the bowfin, Amia,
belongs), but what you see is that we just split off the ancient groups to
one side and keep progressing upwards toward the large "progressive"
groups.  If you carry this far enough, in a cladistic diagram you would
have  a basal Amia as a sister group of all teleosts, and a basal lungfish
as a sister group of all terrestrial vertebrates.  We are just lucky to
have a few of these basal groups still hanging on!  Perhaps another way of
looking at it is to ask if we have ever had any basal lineages that have
just hung on for millions and millions of years and then started
speciating.  I cannot think of any examples, but there may be some.

Question 2. Larry Rabin, Tina Bratis, Roger Liu 2-3pm Steve D. Group #5 Professor Wake, Our question is on the evolution of plethodontid salamanders- How does  the evolution of miniturization and a large genome size compete with one  another. If an animal has a large genome, does that not mean it also have  large cells and thus a larger body? How does the evolution of  miniturization effect this? Also, is the projectable tongue of chameleons similar in development  compared to the highly projectable tongue of Hydromantes?  Are these  tongues considered convergent? Thank you for a very thought provoking class. Response to Question 2.           In general one expects that species with large genomes will have large cells and that they will also have large bodies.  This is exactly the case with modern lungfishes, especially the South American and African species, which have the largest vertebrate genomes.  However, interesting things happen when large genomes are pushing up from below, so to speak, and community dynamics are pushing down from above.  This seems to be happening in some species of plethodontid salamanders in California and Mexico.  For example, the genus Thorius includes the smallest tetrapods (they become sexually mature at about 16 mm head+body length -- about 60% of an inch!  These animals have vary large genomes (ca 30 pcgm DNA/haploid genome, versus less than 10 in any mammal and usually around 5) and so they face a real crunch.  They have completely gotten rid of the cerebellum in the brain and their skull is very weak and incompletely formed.  It is sort of shrunken down around the edges of the critically important sense organs - nasal capsule, eyes and inner ears.  There is a huge fontanelle (an opening uncovered by bone) over the brain, and the forebrain (telencephalon) is shrunken.  There are only about 5% glial cells in the brain (versus about 50% in mammals) and there are many peculiar features of the skeleton (these were described by a former graduate student from my group - James Hanken, currently a professor at the University of Colorado - in the Journal of Morphology and the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society in 1983-84).  Hanken and I reviewed some of the factors involved in biological miniaturization in an article in the 1993 Annual Reviews of Systematics and Ecology.  We pointed out that when organisms have very large cells it might be useful to rethink what we mean by biological size -- the very small Thorius are actually far smaller than they appear to be in a morphogenetic sense, because they have to make complicated vertebrate structures such as limbs and brains, with very few cells.         There are only superficial similarities between the tongues of plethodontid salamanders and chameleons.  In chameleons the tongue slides off a single tapered rod (a bone, a part of the hyobranchial appratus) that lies in the center of the floor of the mouth.  This rod is elevated and aimed as the mouth is opened, and there is a very powerful ring muscle that wraps around it.  This ring muscle contracts and the entire tongue is propelled rapidly toward the prey.  Whether it hits the prey or misses, the tongue then just fall, by gravity, and swings back and forth in the air.  It is then slowly and laboriously cranked back into the mouth by several different muscles.  The chameleon tongue system has been recently studied in very great detail in three beautiful papers published in the J. Exp. Biol. 1992, by our earlier consultant, Al Bennett, and a postdoc, Peter Wainwright.  The most extreme salamander tongue is long, but far less long than the chameleon tongue.  However, it is much faster and more accurate.  It is associated with two tapered rods in the floor of the mouth known as the hyobranchial apparatus.  Whereas in the chameleon the hyobranchial apparatus remains in the floor of the mouth and the tongue is shot off of it, in plethodontids a pair of circular muscles wrap around tapered cartilaginous rods at the hind end of the  apparatus.  Now the entire hyobranchial apparatus, with the sticky tongue connected to it anterior end, is shot from the mouth, and the circular muscles remain in the head!  It is exactly the reverse of the chameleon.  Furthermore, the retractor muscles are fired at the same time as the protractor (the circular) muscles, so that the tongue flies to the prey and is being pulled back as it goes, so that when it reaches it maximum extension it immediately reverses and flies back to the mouth.  It is much faster than the chameleon, both on the way out but especially on the way back.  Some plethodontids can hit the prey in about 6-7 msec after muscular activity is first detected in the circular muscle.  My work on salamander tongues started with papers in the Journal of Morphology (with former student R. E. Lombard) in 1976 and 1977, and my most recent paper (on kinematics) was done with Larsen and Beneski in J. exp. Zool. (1989).
Question 3. Names:          Michael Feinberg and Mehrdad Afrahi Group Number:   Four (4) T.A.:           Steve Deban Section:        Friday, 2-3 p.m. Topic:          Evolutionary Constraints Our question is whether constraints result in directionality of evolution? For example, Archaeopteryx had developed feathers primarily for insulation; then, feathers were exapted for flight.  In present time, the most abundant bird species are birds of flight.  Is it possible that the development of  feathers resulted in a constraint, thus keeping birds of flight, as well as  flightless birds, from better adapting to their environment through means  other than flight?  Had there not been any feathers, would flight have  been an option?  Response to Question 3.          Several authors have observed that what start out in evolution as novelties sometimes turn into constraints.  It is a little hard for me to think of feathers as being constraining, though.  There are lots of birds that have lost flight -- for example, rails on oceanic islands.  There are also birds that have become aquatic  or semiaquatic (penguins, auks) and use feathers only as insulation.  It is unlikely that birds will ever become burrowing and wormlike, but that is probably related to things in addition to morphological features related to flight.  Sometimes constraints at one level become opportunities at another.  I have written about one of these, the loss of lungs in salamanders.  Most salamanders that lose lungs (and it has happened in parallel in at least five separate clades) live in and around rapidly flowing streams (lungs seem to be of negative value in such conditions; they act like water wings and bouy the animals up, causing them to lose their grip on the substrate and be swept downstream.  These animals have excellent cutaneous circulation and exchange gases through the skin, so the lungs are not missed as far as can be determined).  Most of these lineages include extreme stream-adapted specialists that have not done much.  But in one group the loss of the lungs seems to have freed up the lung-filling mechanism and it has been coopted to become a superb  tongue-projection mechanism.  This group subsequently underwent a relatively enormous amount of speciation, though cause and effect is very difficult to sort out.
Question 4. my question concerns methodology.  i am interested to know how the use of a mitotic inhibitor such as colchicine would reveal the presense of homo- plasy.  wouldn't inhibiting mitosis result in tetraploid nuclei and thus coding more information than found in the normal diploid state rather than showing the reversion to a bauplan? stacey leann smith Response to Stacey Smith's question (#4) about colchicine.  The surprising thing about colchicine as used with amphibians is that mitoses appear more or less normal, except for the fact that the process is greatly slowed down.  The cells all remain diploid.  Thus, one can mimic the effects of large genomes and features that are characteristic of late ontogeny do not appear.  The technique works better if it is applied topically to local areas, such as limb buds or even regenerating  limbs.
Question 5. Topic: Sympatric Speciation Group: 2 at 2-3 with          Steve Kevin and Gary We were particularly interested in your work with the ring group of salamanders.  Are there any other in depth studies of possible sympatric speciation that you would recomend reading? Response to Question 5.         I do not consider the Ensatina case to be one of sympatric speciation, but rather of a particular kind of allopatric speciation -- isolation by distance with restricted gene flow leading eventually to differentiation of terminal groups.  Sympatric speciation has been studied in recent years mainly by two groups -- one associated with Guy Bush at Michigan State University (working mainly with true fruit flies that switch host plants - for example from native hawthorns to introduced and domesticated apples, and from native sour cherries to introduced and domesticated sour and sweet cherries), and the other with the two Drs. Tauber of Cornell Univ. (also entomologists -- they recently edited a book on sympatric speciation).  The main judgement of people about sympatric speciation is that it can happen, but is rare and not very important, and this certainly is Futuyma's opinion.  I tend to be a bit more lenient.  It could be important in some groups, but I do not think it happens at all in groups like birds, mammals and herps, although cases of what Bush (see recent review in TREE) calls alloparapatry may SEEM like sympatry to some folks.
Question 6. Topic: Macroevolutiom >From Ib 160 group 3 (F 2-3) Jacques Finlay Christina Campbell Christoph von Pohl David Cyranoski Rasmus Nielsen Dear Dr. Wake, In many peoples view, micro evolution in a neo-Darwinian sense, and speciation can explain the observed patterns of morphological  diversification.  In your lectures as well as in the article,  you argue for the use of concepts such as Rstep functionsS in  evolutionary biology.  In the lectures, you used the apparent discrete  division of the RmorphospaceS into separate units as an argument for  applying such explanations.  However, the existence of discrete  morphological units is a direct prediction of neo-Darwinian theory.   The absence of gene flow between units, and the structural  relationship between units, can cause such a pattern.   Furthermore, you argue for the incorporation of RlimitsS into  evolutionary theory.  Can such limits not be described simply by  correlations in fitness and absence of genetic variation?  We would  like to know why it is necessary to evoke mysterious concepts such  as Rstep functionsS when the existing theory is able to explain the  observed pattern of morphological evolution? Resonse to question 6.          We may be dealing with an issue in "ways of seeing" here.  First I am totally unconvinced that speciation has anything to do with morphological diversification, or anything, expect putting stop-points in phylogenesis.  I know that many microevolutionists like to assign speciation a role in morphological diversification, but I will have none of it!  Speciation may or may not involve morphological differentiation.  To me it is simply a red-herring.           So, now onto the main point of the question.  Step -functions.  I do not think of them as mysterious at all.  I also have trouble with the idea that gaps in morphospace are related to absence of genetic variation, and also disagree with the idea that fitness relations and patterns of genetic variation and genetic variance-covariance relations predict gaps in morphospace.  They will not predict specific gaps, which in fact can be predicted from knowledge of developmental patterns and phylogenies.  Have I ever used the term "step-function" in print?  I think not.  Perhaps I did in lecture.  I do like to talk about thresholds, which as I understand it is orthodoxy both in quantitative genetics and in developmental genetics.  This is a very large question to respond to quickly, but basically I see many examples of evolution where there are sharp limitations on variation that are seemingly inexplicable based on gaps in genetic variation, but become clear in a developmental and phylogenetic context.  The evolutionary transition from 5 to 4 toes in frogs and salamanders, as contrasted with lizards, is one.  In lizards there is a gradual shortening of  a toe until it is lost, and this can be understood within the context of standard theory as Lande has shown well (1976, Evolution).  However, I know of no selection theory that predicts the abrupt change from 5 to 4 toes within a species, and even assymmetrically within an organism.  Furthermore, I know of no selection theory that predicts that in one taxon the lost toe is number 5 in lineage after lineage, whereas in the other taxon it is number 1, again in lineage after lineage.  However, combined knowledge of development (yes, developmental constraints) and phylogeny will do it.  I have a paper dealing with these issues in press in Evolution (with Shubin and Crawford as co-authors). It should appear in early 1995.
Question 7. Name: Dave Kilimnik, David Richards, Misty, Shanti, Han. Topic: Exaptation Professor Wake: Do you believe that exaptation is fundamentally  structuralist or functionalist?  Take feathers for example.  Feathers may  have evolved from structures that originally functioned for  thermoregulation.   There must have been natural selection when they were  coopted for flight.  This would appear to be functionalism.  But they  became feathers, not extra limbs or ejectable spears.  This would appear  to be structuralism, i.e. evidence of design limitations.  Or is it just  absence of natural selection for extra limbs?  Can you shed some light?   Thanks. Response to question 7.           I think exaptation is fundamentally functionalist in perspective.  The idea is that natural selection "latches onto" whatever is handy.  Structuralism has more to do with fundamental rules of morphogenesis and of transformation from one form to the next (for example, from a triangle to a square by adding a new structural element, rather than introducing angles, breaking an element and adjusting lengths).  Structuralism has more to do with rules of form organization and transition (e.g., fundamental changes in ontogenetic trajectories), than using existing materials.  Tinkering is basically a functionalist concept -- but one I like!  It is pretty closely related to exaptation.
Question 8. TA: Steve Deban Section Time:Fri, 12-1 Group #3: Adam Norman           Teresa Chung           Colleen Carrero Question: Is it possible that developmental and structural options  increase?  How much do constraints put on design novelty? and Do complex  cells increase in complexity? Response to question 8.         I am not sure I understand the question.  First, I do like to think about constraints, but more as a crutch than anything else.  I see a bias in the production of variation.  Some workers find it convenient to think that just the right kind of variation and selction have not yet coincided.  I think in general that historical (i.e., phylogenetic and developmental) and formal (i.e., physical and architectural) constraints do limit what can happen and bias what does along certain lines.  Constraints are not absolute in their effects.  For example, insects seem constrained to produce bodies enclosed in chitin and composed of three main kinds of segments, but they do not seem to suffer for it!  They are most unlikely to produce bone, and even less likely to produce bony internal skeleton for appendages.   As to the cell question -- I do not know.  I am uncomfortable with the classification system that we use for cells, and we might be seeing a kind of "taxonomic" artifact.  Do complex cells give rise to even more complex cells?  It is a kind of developmental question, since cells, like organisms, are not "born " in one cell division, but arise through a series of ontogenetic tranformations.  I suppose that complex cells might undergo one more cell division to become even more complex, or simpler, but I just do not have the empirical background to say.
Question 9. Names:  Dane Post, Duncan Parks, Pamela Wong Subject:  Molecular Phylogeny In your paper in the reader, you say that morphological data exhibit a  lot of homoplasy.  Would you support the exclusive use of molecular data  for phylogeny reconstruction, given this homoplasy?  Do you think  molecular data are more reliable for reconstruction? Response to question 9.         In the first place, homoplasy is an outcome of a phylogenetic analysis.  Morphological and molecular data alike display homoplasy, and if anything molecular data show vastly more homoplasy than morphological data.  There are two reasons.  First, taxonomists quickly abandon morphological data that is too variable and so they high-grade in favor of "good" characters (i.e., those that are known, a priori, to show differences among taxa).  With molecular data, and especially sequence data, homoplasy is so common that very rarely does a worker even attempt to apply so-called cladistic principles -- recognition of  plesiomorphic and apomorphic states.  Instead one used unordered characters.  In general it seems to me that we get closer to the one "true" phylogeny with more characters, even though with more characters we inevitably get more homoplasy.  I advocate working with morphology and trying to understand it so that we "high-grade" morphology not just from a biased view of what is more or less variable but from an understanding of morphogenesis and morphological transitions (I could give you lots of examples; some are in my article).  Then I would analyze all data sets separately and do consensus  analysis to see where they all agree.  Then I would combine data in a "total evidence" approach.  We are very far from having all data, and so one might think that this is a blind man and elephant approach, but the fact is that we get a more or less standard vertebrate phylogeny from many separate data sets, from fragments of data sets and also from combinations of all data.  So, maybe we are getting close after all, even in spite of all the problems.         I almost forgot.  One nice thing about mapping morphologies on a molecular data based tree and then comparing it with a morphologically base tree is that you can examine the homoplasies in morphology carefully and based on morphogenetic principles decide whether to choose the most parsimonious tree, or one that is almost as parsimonious and costs very little more.   Of course, all of our phylogenies should be viewed as hypotheses to be tested by further data.
Question 10. Names:  Kevin Davey, Derek Hitchcock, Scott Turner, Jean Yim         Kellar 2-3, Group 4 Topic:  Synthesizing functionalism and structuralism When thinking about the concepts of structuralism and functionalism, it is immediately evident that both play a significant role in evolution and the diversity of life.  Therefore a synthesis of the two makes sense.  We are unclear, however, as to how to begin this synthesis, as we see the two concepts so divergent initially.  Could you give some ideas as to how a functionalist and structuralist can come together and participate in a useful discourse?  Answer to Question 10.         Not an easy question!  I have tried to exemplify an approach in my 1991 Amer. Nat. paper.  Fundamentally, this is a dialectical approach.  You do the best you can with each approach, recognize fundamental conflicts, and then try to achieve a synthesis on the basis of dealing with the conflicts one by one.  See my answer to question 6, where I provide a start of an answer.  I argued that numbers of toes is more readily understood as an outcome of miniaturization and knowledge of developmental patterns than as an adaptive response to selection, and this was a structuralist interpretation, but at the same time I recognized that miniaturization almost certainly was best understood within the framework of selection and the working out of community dynamics.  I was challenged on this by Reeve and Sherman (1993, Quar. Rev. Biology), who in a fiercely and exclusively functionalist argument insisted that direct selection was a priori the explanation of choice for an evolutionary biologist and should only be abandoned once all attempts to show it have been exhausted.  Thus, they would have me study these miniature animals in detail and prove in case after case after case that there was no selective advantage to having four toes before I invoked what is in essence a side-effect, structuralist hypothesis.  Obviously I disgree with them, but they do represent a point of view that is still widely prevalent in the field.
        That it it!  Thanks for the challenging questions.  I hope that you enjoyed the VDG.          I will see you at the final exam, and wish you all well.   David