Integrative Biology C139 The Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience

Description: Exposure to stress is an inevitable part of life and the body’s response to stress can shape mental and physiological health. The study of stress is an interdisciplinary endeavor, and in this class, we will examine basic, translational, and clinical aspects of the stress response. We adopt a broad-based approach to explore the concepts of stress, health, and disease, and connect them to underlying neural mechanisms. Exposure to stress can be motivating and enhance performance of some but induce anxiety and impede performance in others. In this class we will discuss and discover the mechanisms underlying trajectories towards both resilience and vulnerability.
Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 1A
Credit Restriction: Students will receive no credit for INTEGBI C139 after completing INTEGBI 139, or INTEGBI C139. A deficient grade in INTEGBI C139 may be removed by taking INTEGBI C139.
Cross Listed Course: NEU C166
Expected Enrollment: 120