I have modified and or written several .sty and .bib files for
manuscript preparation and other purposes. I offer these here with no
warranty and without a whole lot of documentation. They do all come
with sample files, though, so Good Luck! I hope these are helpful to
whomever finds them. Currently available: JASA,
Genetics, JABES.
- Style file for the Journal of the
American Statistical Association: the ASA has stopped
providing a decent package for formatting manuscripts for
submission to JASA. Yet they still require a particular format.
For this I wrote JASA_manu.sty and hacked up harvard.sty into
"jasa_harvard.sty." I also hacked up harvard.bst into
"ECA_jasa.bst" for use with BibTex.
You may receive all the necessary files as the Stuffit Archive
JASA_manu.sit. (232k) This will
unstuff into a directory called "jasa."
Or you can download the necessary files individually:
- JASA_manu.sty //-> The
main style file
- jasa_harvard.sty
//-> The style file with formatiing information for
citations in the text.
- ECA_jasa.bst //-> The
BibTex style file for formatting the Reference list
- JASA_example.tex
//-> A .tex file that gives an example how to use these
style packages. This is just a strange little excerpt of a
paper I once submitted to JASA.
- example.bib //-> The
BibTex database file for JASA_example.tex
- undirgraph.eps //-> A
postscript file to be included as a figure in
In order get JASA_example to run, follow these steps:
- Make sure all the above files are in the same directory
or in the LaTeX search path
- Run LaTeX on JASA_example.tex
- Run BibTeX on JASA_example.aux
- Run LaTeX two more times on JASA_example.tex
- Style file for the Journal
Genetics: Genetics has a fairly well-prescribed format
for journal submissions. I have written a style file to get that
done. And I have hacked up the chicago BibTeX style into something
that makes citations and reference lists as required. The
publishers handling Genetics can't deal with LaTeX files anymore.
They would rather have a Microsoft ".doc" file. The Evil Empire is
strangling academia now, even. I've found, however, that the
publishers are still willing to do all the retyping that they need
to for submissions in LaTeX.
You may receive all the necessary files as the Stuffit Archive
genetics_manu.sit. (64k)
This will unstuff into a directory called "genetics."
Or you can download the necessary files individually:
- genetics_manu_style.sty
//-> The main style file
- mychicago.sty //->
The style file with formatiing information for citations in the
- mychicago.bst //->
The BibTex style file for formatting the Reference list
- genetics_example.tex
//-> A .tex file that gives an example how to use these
style packages. This is a short letter I once submitted to
- genetics_example.bib
//-> The BibTex database file for genetics_example.tex
- LambdaGraph.eps
//-> A postscript file to be included as a figure in
- BiasGraph.eps //->
A postscript file to be included as a figure in
- LambdaGraph.eps
//-> A postscript file to be included as a figure in
In order get genetics_example to run, follow these steps:
- Make sure all the above files are in the same directory
or in the LaTeX search path
- Run LaTeX on genetics_example.tex
- Run BibTeX on genetics_example.aux
- Run LaTeX two more times on genetics_example.tex
- Style file for the Journal of
Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics: My
JABES style file is very similar to JASA_manu.sty. JABES does not
seem to have guidelines as strict as JASA. JABES asks for
citations to be done in JASA style. The following should suffice
for submissions to JABES.
You may receive all the necessary files as the Stuffit Archive
JABES_manu.sit. (236k) This
will unstuff into a directory called "jabes."
Or you can download the necessary files individually:
- JABES_manu.sty //->
The main style file
- jasa_harvard.sty
//-> The style file with formatiing information for
citations in the text.
- ECA_jasa.bst //-> The
BibTex style file for formatting the Reference list
- JABES_example.tex
//-> A .tex file that gives an example how to use these
style packages. This is just a strange little excerpt of a
paper I once submitted to JASA.
- example.bib //-> The
BibTex database file for JABES_example.tex
- undirgraph.eps //-> A
postscript file to be included as a figure in
In order get JABES_example to run, follow these steps:
- Make sure all the above files are in the same directory
or in the LaTeX search path
- Run LaTeX on JABES_example.tex
- Run BibTeX on JABES_example.aux
- Run LaTeX two more times on JABES_example.tex