## This function analyzes standardized independent contrasts for ## a continuous trait on a phylogeny, and conducts a series of ## diagnostic tests to determine if the trait evolves consistent ## with a Brownian motion model. It is built on the ape library ## and ape format for representing phylogenies (object type phylo) ## ## David Ackerly, 2007 ## dackerly@berkeley.edu ## require(ape) diagnostics = function (x,phy,scaled=TRUE,var.contrasts=TRUE, quadratic=NULL,calcK = TRUE,set.minbl=1, rescale.BL=FALSE, bl1=FALSE,logbl=FALSE, small.plot = FALSE,nrows=1,newplot=TRUE,diag5=TRUE) { # x should be a trait matrix # with dim = (#taxa, one trait) # and species as row.names source("~/Documents/Projects/Toolbox/ape/nodeAge.R") source("~/Documents/Projects/Toolbox/ape/K.R") source("~/Documents/Projects/Toolbox/ape/pic3.R") if (small.plot) { if (newplot) par(mfrow=c(nrows,6)) } else par(mfcol=c(2,3)) options('warn'=-1) xpos = 80 ypos = 95 if (small.plot) par(mar=c(1,1,1,1)) else par(cex.lab=1.5,mar=c(5.1,5.1,4.1,2.1),cex.axis=1.5) #tx = data.frame(t(x)) minbl = min(phy$edge.length) if (rescale.BL) phy$edge.length = round(set.minbl*phy$edge.length/minbl) if (bl1) phy$edge.length=rep(1,length(phy$edge.length)) if (logbl) phy$edge.length = log(phy$edge.length+1)+1 pics = pic3(x,phy, scaled=scaled,var.contrasts=var.contrasts) Npics = nrow(pics) abspics = abs(pics[,1]) #Diagnostic 1: are abspics drawn from 1/2 normal #Examine histogram and 1/2 normal probability plot if (small.plot) hist(abspics,main='',xlab='',ylab='',axes=FALSE) else hist(abspics,main='') dpics = c(-abspics,abspics) qs = qqnorm(dpics,plot.it=FALSE) if (small.plot) { plot(qs$x[-(1:Npics)],abspics,pch=19,cex=1, xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n') } else { plot(qs$x[-(1:Npics)],abspics,pch=19,cex=2, xlab='normal proability quantiles', ylab='absolute value of contrasts') } #Diagnostic 2: are standardized pics independent of # subtending branch lengths (standardization factor) picvsd = lm(abspics~I(sqrt(pics[,2]))) if (small.plot) { plot(pics[,2],abspics,pch=19,cex=1,xlab='',ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n') } else { plot(sqrt(pics[,2]),abspics,xlab='standard deviation of contrast', ylab='absolute value of contrast',pch=19,cex=2) posx = min(sqrt(pics[,2])) + xpos*diff(range(sqrt(pics[,2])))/100 posy = min(abspics) + ypos*diff(range(abspics))/100 pval = paste('p = ', signif(summary(picvsd)$coeff[2,4],3),sep='') text(posx,posy,labels=pval,cex=1.5) } abline(picvsd) #Diagnostic 3: are pics independent of trait # values at nodes? Node values are calculated by # contrast algorithm, which is not equal to ML # ancestral states ancx = pics[,3] if (small.plot) { plot(ancx,abspics,pch=19,cex=1,xlab='',ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n') } else { plot(ancx,abspics,pch=19,cex=2,xlab='node value', ylab='absolute value of contrast') } if (3 %in% quadratic) { picvanc = lm(abspics~I(ancx^2)+ancx) qcoeff = summary(picvanc)$coeff qx = seq(min(ancx),max(ancx),length.out=100) qy = qcoeff[1,1] + qx*qcoeff[3,1] + qx^2*qcoeff[2,1] lines(qx,qy) } else { picvanc = lm(abspics~ancx) abline(picvanc) } if (!small.plot) { pval = paste('p = ', signif(summary(picvanc)$coeff[2,4],3),sep='') posx = min(ancx) + xpos*diff(range(ancx))/100 posy = min(abspics) + ypos*diff(range(abspics))/100 text(posx,posy,labels=pval,cex=1.5) } #Diagnostic 4: are pics independent of node age # i.e., is there evidence of increasing or decreasing rates if (phy$edge[1,1] > 0) Nterm = phy$edge[1,1] - 1 else Nterm = max(phy$edge[,2]) int.nodes = which(phy$edge[,2] > Nterm) ages = node.age(phy)$ages int.ages = c(0,sort(ages[int.nodes])) picvage = lm(abspics~int.ages) if (small.plot) { plot(int.ages,abspics,pch=19,cex=1,xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n') } else { plot(int.ages,abspics,pch=19,cex=2,xlab='node age', ylab='absolute value of contrast') posx = min(int.ages) + xpos*diff(range(int.ages))/100 posy = min(abspics) + ypos*diff(range(abspics))/100 pval = paste('p = ', signif(summary(picvage)$coeff[2,4],3),sep='') text(posx,posy,labels=pval,cex=1.5) } abline(picvage) #Diagnostic 5: Plot of pairwise trait differences vs. # cophenetic.phylo distances, and K value if (diag5) { x2 = as.matrix(x[match(row.names(x),phy$tip.label)]) row.names(x2)=row.names(x)[match(row.names(x),phy$tip.label)] xd = as.matrix(dist(x,diag=TRUE,upper=TRUE)) phyd = cophenetic.phylo(phy) if (small.plot) { plot(phyd,xd,pch=19,cex=1,xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n',yaxt='n') } else { plot(phyd,xd,pch=19,cex=2,xlab='cophenetic distance', ylab='pairwise trait difference') if (calcK) { posx = min(phyd) + 20*diff(range(phyd))/100 posy = min(xd) + ypos*diff(range(xd))/100 x = as.matrix(x,ncol=1) K = Kcalc(x,phy) text(posx,y=posy, labels=paste('K =',signif(K,3),sep=' '),cex=ifelse (small.plot,1.5,1.5)) } } } if (!small.plot) par(mfcol=c(1,1)) options('warn'=0) }