#NEXUS BEGIN DATA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=29 NCHAR=28; [!This data file contains a matrix of morphological characters from a small group of ground beetles from the New World. From: Ball, G.E., and D.R. Maddison, 1987. Classification and evolutionary aspects of the species of the New World genus Amblygnathus Dejean, with description of Platymetopsis, new genus, and notes about selected species of Selenophorus Dejean (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 113: 189-307. See p. 21 of the MacClade book. ] FORMAT SYMBOLS= " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6" MISSING=? GAP=- ; CHARSTATELABELS 1 m.l._vent._flange / absent present, 2 elyt._micro. / isodiametric transverse, 3 body_length / '4.5-6.2mm' '6.3-7.0mm' '7.7-11.0mm' '>12.0mm', 4 pron._hind_ang. / rounded subangulate angulate, 5 #_int_sac_spines / none one two numerous, 6 spine_size / absent small medium large, 7 'spine loc''n' / absent scattered 'ventro-med' 'ventro-bas', 8 prostern._process / not ridged, 9 head_micros. / isodiam 'iso-transv' transv, 10 elytral_vest. / '7-9_+_ap1-6' '8-9_+_ap1-7' '9_+_ap1-8' '8-9' 9th 'ap_1-8' none, 11 'head + pron color' / black rufous metal. 'bl_+_flavous', 12 clypeal_margin / ±_straight concave, 13 left_mand._apex / normal broad, 14 spermatheca / short_curve long_coil, 15 male_lamina_width / broad narrow, 16 lamina_length / long moderate short absent, 17 lam._apex_dir. / straight right dorsal, 18 apex_shape / pointed blunt, 19 m.l._apex_form / v._short mod_straight long sinuate, 20 m.l._flange_bilo / not bilobed, 21 dorsal_flange / absent v._small small large, 22 female_terg.8_setae / absent present, 23 sac_microtrich. / normal enlarged, 24 leg_color / flavous black, 25 'm.l. vent.-sculp.' / smooth serrate, 26 elytral_color / black metallic bicolored, 27 'm.l. vent.-form' / tapered spatulate, 28 pron._base / constrict. moderate broadened ; MATRIX [ 10 20 ] [ . . ] 'seriatoporus-g' 1010331003000001101020000001 'ellipticus-g' 1001000102000000101020000001 'amaroides-g' 1101000115000000101020000001 'ruficollis-g' 0102311006100000101020000001 iripennis 0101132010011100101020000001 mexicanus 0100222010011100102030000001 interior 0100222010011100102011000001 evansi 0100222013011101101011000001 panamensis 0101222010011100001011000001 fricki 010122201001110020101?000001 woodruffi 0101222020011101101011000001 puncticollis 0100222020011101101011000001 tikal 0102212012011102011021000001 subtinctus 0102222010011102011011000001 whiteheadi 01022120120111?3??1?01000001 g.gilvipes 01011120100111?3??1021100001 g.peruanus 01011120100111?3??1021100001 xingu 110111201601111201012?100001 braziliensis 1101113016011112011020101001 suturalis 1111112021311112011020101201 geminatus 0101112010011112011021100001 darlingtoni 01011120100111120?0011100011 bicolor 01022120101111120?0011100011 corvinus 0121112014010110012020011002 cephalotes 1121000010010110013021010001 gigas 1131000010010110013021010001 reichardti 1121000024210110012021010101 lucidus 1121000024210110012021010101 janthinus 1121000026210110012021000100 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE=unord PolyTcount=MINSTEPS ; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 7 11 26, ord: 1-6 8-10 12-25 27-28; END; BEGIN TREES; [!The 21 trees contained in this file are most probably all the most parsimonious trees for this data set