#NEXUS [ID: 3891398365] [This file contains the trees that were found during the MCMC search, sorted by posterior probability. "p" indicates the posterior probability of the tree whereas "P" indicates the cumulative posterior probability.] begin trees; translate 1 Gonatus_fabricii, 2 Gonatopsis_borealis, 3 Alluroteuthis_antarcticus, 4 Teuthowenia_megalops, 5 Joubiniteuthis_sp., 6 Psychroteuthis_glacialis, 7 Moroteuthis_knipovitchi, 8 Illex_coindetii, 9 Metasepia_tullbergi, 10 Loliolus_sp., 11 Photololigo_sp., 12 Pterygioteuthis_microlampas, 13 Lycoteuthis_lorigera, 14 Bathyteuthis_berryi, 15 Octopus_ornatus; tree tree_1 [p = 0.010, P = 0.010] = [&W 0.009699] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),((5,15),(6,7)))))); tree tree_2 [p = 0.006, P = 0.015] = [&W 0.005566] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(7,(6,(5,15))))))); tree tree_3 [p = 0.004, P = 0.019] = [&W 0.004100] (1,2,(3,(((14,(12,13)),(4,(8,(9,(10,11))))),((5,15),(6,7))))); tree tree_4 [p = 0.004, P = 0.023] = [&W 0.003633] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(5,(7,(6,15))))))); tree tree_5 [p = 0.003, P = 0.026] = [&W 0.003466] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(5,(6,(7,15))))))); tree tree_6 [p = 0.003, P = 0.030] = [&W 0.003333] (1,2,(3,((((5,15),(6,7)),(4,(8,(9,(10,11))))),(14,(12,13))))); tree tree_7 [p = 0.003, P = 0.033] = [&W 0.003300] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(7,(5,(6,15))))))); tree tree_8 [p = 0.003, P = 0.036] = [&W 0.003066] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),(14,(((5,15),(12,13)),(6,7)))))); tree tree_9 [p = 0.003, P = 0.039] = [&W 0.002833] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(15,(5,(6,7))))))); tree tree_10 [p = 0.003, P = 0.042] = [&W 0.002766] (1,2,(3,((4,(8,(9,(10,11)))),((14,(12,13)),(5,(15,(6,7))))))); tree tree_11 [p = 0.003, P = 0.044] = [&W 0.002733] (1,2,(3,((4,((8,9),(10,11))),((14,(12,13)),((5,15),(6,7)))))); tree tree_12 [p = 0.002, P = 0.047] = [&W 0.002433] (1,2,(3,(((7,(6,(5,15))),(4,(8,(9,(10,11))))),(14,(12,13))))); tree tree_13 [p = 0.002, P = 0.049] = [&W 0.002367] (1,2,(3,(((4,8),(9,(10,11))),((14,(12,13)),((5,15),(6,7)))))); end;