Rosids III

plant list from the IB 102 lab with links to Calphoto images


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Vitis californica with the tendrils opposite the leaves

Vitis californica with the inflorescences opposite the leaves

Close up of Vitis girdiana inflorescence



Erodium botrys showing the five fertile stamens

Erodium cicutarium showing immature fruits and pinnately compound leaves

Geranium dissectum with palmately divided leaves

Geranium molle with ten fertile stamens

Oxalis oregana

Oxalis oregana ten stamens and five styles

A clump of Oxalis pes-caprae



Croton californicus male flowers

Croton californicus developing fruits

Euphorbia esula white sap

Euphorbia lathyris a cross section of the inflorescence showing male and female flowers

Euphorbia oblongata inflorescences subtended by yellow bracts

Euphorbia esula general view



Viola adunca showing bilaterally-symmetrical flowers and nectar spurs

Viola beckwithii showing compound leaves

Viola pedunculata



Populus balsamifera fruits

Populus fremontii pendent male catkins

Populus fremontii trees

Populus tremuloides leaves

Salix lasiolepis female catkins

Salix goodingii with mature fruit

Salix hookeriana a thicket



Adenostoma fasiculatum flowers

Adenostoma fasciculatum foliage

Adenostoma fasciculatum overall view

Cercocarpus betuloides fruits

Cercocarpus betuloides flowers

Chamaebatia australis general view

Chamaebatia foliolosa flowers and leaves

Fragaria chiloensis showing stolons

Fragaria sp. leaf and fruits

Fragaria chiloensis flowers

Heteromeles arbutifolia flowers

Heteromeles arbutifolia fruits and leaves

Holodiscus discolor flowers

Holodiscus discolor foliage

Holodiscus microphylla general view

Lyonothamnus floribundus one leaf

Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. asplenifolius flowers

Lyonothamnus floribundus tree

Oemleria cerasiformis pendent flowers

Oemleria cerasiformis unripe drupes

Oemleria cerasiformis male flowers

Potentilla anserina ssp. anserina showing pinnately compound leaves

The shrubby Potentilla fruticosa

Potentilla gracilis with palmately compound leaves

Prunus andersonii flowers showing hypanthia

Prunus emarginata

Prunus ilicifolia drupes

Rosa californica fruits

Rosa canina flower showing many stamens

Rosa gymnocarpa flowers and leaves

Rubus discolor flowers and fruits

Rubus parviflorus flower

Rubus ursinus stem and leaf showing prickles

Spiraea densiflora inflorescences

Spiraea douglasii overall view



Ceanothus crassifolius flowers showing stamens opposite petals (spoon-shaped) and alternating with sepals (triangular)

Ceanothus cuneatus fruits

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Ceanothus velutinus leaves showing three main veins

Rhamnus californica showing leaves with one main vein and drupe fruits

Rhamnus ilicifolia flowers with four petals

Rhamnus californica ssp. californica flowers with five petals



Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea closeup showing the flowers and the stinging hairs on the stems

Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea when it isn’t flowering

Urtica urens a smaller, introduced Urtica



Marah fabaceus immature fruits

Marah fabaceus male flowers

Marah fabaceus var. agrestis female flower

Marah oreganus a vine and the fruit



Camissonia boothii ssp. boothii showing capitate stigmas

Camissonia claviformis showing capsules that develop from inferior ovaries

Camissonia ovata, the Camissonia we saw at Redwood Regional Park

Clarkia amoena showing spotted petals

Clarkia concinna

Clarkia cylindrica showing sepals that are fused after the flower opens

Epilobium angustifolium ssp. circumvagum showing seeds with tufts of hair

Epilobium canum a hummingbird-pollinated Epilobium

Epilobium ciliatum A flower showing the inferior ovary

Epilobium ciliatum general view

Oenothera caespitosa showing four-lobed stigma and anthers attached at middle

A population of Oenothera deltoides

Oenothera elata showing the fruits (ribbed) at the base of the elongated hypanthia

Oenothera xylocarpa