Integrative Biology 139 The Neurobiology of Stress

Notes: Not offered Fall 2024.
Description: This course is designed to be an interdisciplinary course. It will adopt a broad-based approach to explore the concepts of stress, health, and disease, with a particular focus on current primary literature. The course will cover multiple dimensions in the study of stress, which employ genetic, epigenetic, molecular, cellular, physiological, and cognitive approaches, especially in the context of endocrine and neuroscience research. We will analyze the individual response to stress, how genetic and environmental factors play a role in it, how it translates to physiological and mental health and well-being vs. pathological conditions, and put that in a public health perspective.
Prerequisites: Biology 1A or Psychology 110. You will need a good understanding of the fundamentals of biology to do well in this class.
Expected Enrollment: 120